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09-11-16, 16:53
hy there. from sunny england newcastle...

firsty want to tell u all i suffer real bad health anexity and have done a while.
its horrible but bareable if u no what i mean

which brings me to this site as need a couple of questions answerd or if u could give me some reassurence would be brill

anyway the issues at the moment is my chest is feels constantly buzing and pressure like as if something was fluttering in my chest.. i had this last year and made me rush to hosptial only to be told it was anexity and the ecg was normal... it soon went after that

fast foward to now it has came back but have pain sometimes in the left arm then more in the armpit. and then back to the chest it dosent hurt its just very distracting but worse wen am stting on my own like i am now. feel like i keep haveing to move my feet to distract myself from it. anyway it was going on for a week and monday gone i went to hostpital again just be on safe sife had ecg had chest xray and blood tests all were noraml all rythems were normal no abbnormilets. i have no family history of early death or heart problems. but the symptombs still carry on and panic me sometimes.. is this really my anexity. i have 4 ecg in less than a year and blood tests and my armpit checked for lymph nodes nothing all normal...

just gets on my nerves and does my head in and worried about not waking up the next day

to all you battiling with your problems i salute all of u

09-11-16, 18:11
Hi :)
Yes it definitely sounds like anxiety. All those pains and pressures and weird sensations in our chests are just the physical symptoms of anxiety. You will find so many of us on here who experience exactly the same thing. Try and keep reminding yourself that it is just the anxiety and nothing bad. Try and distract yourself by doing things that you enjoy.

09-11-16, 18:26
hey thanks for repsonse.. yeah i do tell myself that and most of the pains i can put up with but the heartchest ones are the very worst. if it was something bad would of the ecg or xray give clues..

its like it raidiaties from the chest to armpit arm and thats the frightining bit

also what the risk in sudden death even if these were heart palps? xx

09-11-16, 18:44
You're welcome.
If something was up with you then the ecgs and X-rays would have shown it
The pain going into your armpit is just a physical symptom of the anxiety, as I get that feeling as well. I get all sorts of weird pains and sensations thanks to the anxiety.
You're going to be just fine, its just anxiety making you think of all the worst case scenarios. Xx

09-11-16, 18:51
thankyou xx my family think i am nuts with all theses pains and aches lol.
its mad but am stuck with it so never mind..

came on to talk to people who are in the same boat as i have found its helps alots.

one thing i was reading about suddden death was that it can happen to people if u had a genetic condtion that was not diagnosed in family members. if that was true how would i no i had a family history of it if wasant diaganosed.. just to be clear i have had no family history of heart disease or ealry death. jusst sometihng i am fixated with at this moment.

2 month ago it was brain tumours. u can see the patten sorry for being a pain lol xx

09-11-16, 19:18
Aw you're not nuts at all! If it makes you feel any better, I read that intelligent people are more likely to suffer with anxiety! I hope there's someone you got who can support you?
I know it's really hard but you've got to try and remind yourself that it is very, very unlikely that you have any heart disease or sudden death in your family. When a thought like 'what if I have heart disease' pops into your head, remember that it is just an opinion that's being caused by anxiety. It is not a fact, so you don't have to pay attention to the thought.
You're not being a pain at all, as I know what its like. At the mo I'm fixating on a weird feeling in my throats and its making me really anxious. Its such a pain in the @£& ain't it?! xx

09-11-16, 19:45
Cert islol help to talking thou😀😀 so wen it says undiagosed heart problems in the famliy wat it man to do with sudden death but anyway i hear only 500 or so die from that so that really rare xx hope your throat ok xxx

Catherine S
09-11-16, 19:51
I think you might need one of the admins to merge your two threads, you seem to have both asking the same questions and can get a bit confusing for the members answering you :)


09-11-16, 19:59
Ah right cool sorry x

Catherine S
09-11-16, 20:22
No worries :D


09-11-16, 21:20
See you know the facts that it is really, really rare so you're going to be absolutely fine. You're way too young and healthy (as proven by all the tests you've had) to have something like that. It's just silly, annoying anxiety and its not going to harm you.
My throat's not too bad thanks xx

09-11-16, 21:24
Thanks xx and good good its bout this time of.nihjt were my anexity pains hit me wen am lting in bed watching tele and mind cant stop thinking. Xxx

09-11-16, 21:30
Aw I know how you feel - when I'm not doing anything to distract me my mind goes into anxious thinking. Try and distract yourself by doing something you enjoy and remember to remind yourself that you're going to be absolutely fine. Xx

09-11-16, 21:31
Th kyou xxx great help

09-11-16, 22:03
That's ok :) let me know how you get on xxx

09-11-16, 22:06
Gunna have a nice bath and relax 😀 freezing outside tonight xxxxx:)

09-11-16, 22:12
Good idea - you need lots of nice, relaxing things when you feel like this.
It is bloody chilly ain't it?! Xx

09-11-16, 22:14
Yeah body is freezing? How do u change ya picture... Xx me feet are freezing lmao zzz

10-11-16, 18:11
You go into your messages and on the left hand side you should see somewhere to change your picture - I think that's how you do it anyway - I can't remember lol! How ya doing now?

13-11-16, 08:13
hy there. was at a party this weekend so it takes things of my mind. the palps are a bit better but still can feel them time to time. making me wanna burp all the time its annoyign haaha u ok x