View Full Version : Feeling terrible with breathless/head light/full symptoms and swallowing! Argh!

09-11-16, 19:50
Hi all,

So I have been struggling for over a year with weakness and muscles that tremor on movement that has got worse and worse -I have had a broad array of blood tests, I've just had an ecg which was fine, I saw the doc this morning to get results. He didn't listen to lungs but did take BP and oxygen which were fine.
But despite all the good news about tests -on top of my current problem I started getting breathless last week. First it was just with doing things like picking up my daughter's toys, since then I've just suddenly got so breathless it's gone into full blown panic which has taken ages to come down from.
The last few days I have barely felt normal. I've also not been able to sleep -only a couple hours last couple nights! Today I've felt very short of breath, and worse on getting up/walking around. Also my head feels really full/light/as if there's not enough blood or I may pass out when I get up, even after doing some relaxed breaths. I also keep nearly choking on food or saliva, as I feel like I need to take a breath when I'm swallowing or swallow when I take a breath (not sure which) I also have been feeling like I can feel saliva going down/tickling the back of my throat so I keep needing to swallow. I also have super heavy feeling/achey arms.
I'm in such a muddle here, can someone speak reality to me!? This *can* all be insanely out of control anxiety, right?! (please be kind, really struggling with all this right now!)

10-11-16, 03:08
hi timetoturn,

I imagine you have heard of Hyperventalition syndrome ? There is a good book about and info all over this site if you search for it. It sure sounds like you have that to me, its' very common, basically you are breathing to fast maybe more threw your mouth than nose and yo might not notice you are doing this. Over time the CO2 needed in your body is down and you feel breathless even though it's actually the CO2 missing causing this. This will constrict your brain blood by up to 50% ! sounds like your swallowing air too, your arms getting tingly.

There is lots to read about and you should keep bugging your doctor about this all, but start by trying to only breathe threw your nose and into your stomach not chest, try breathing in a paper bag and see if you feel a bit better.

The good news is you might just need to learn to breathe better with a respiratory therapist and some self help and you will get better soon and be able to get a grip on this, it might even result in less or no panic attacks as feeling strange feeling might cause you to panic, and hyperventilation syndrome is quite full of symptoms that feel bad i in many parts of your body.

Pretty much all your symptoms including the lack of sleeping well can be explained by hyperventilation syndrome, who knows if you had it but it's very common with panic disorder, it kind of defines panic disorder.

10-11-16, 15:17
Thanks for taking the time to reply! I don't know if I have this as it has only been for a short time-like a week, the breathing symptoms -but it is good to know as I can bear this in mind if it continues!

10-11-16, 15:20
Have you been under the weather lately?

Do you do much exercise?

10-11-16, 19:52
Hi SLA, I haven't been able to do much exercise due to my general weakness and shaky muscles, it really has slowed me down. I probably should try and do a bit though, I am just so exhausted I've kind of stopped doing a lot of things. Do you have any advice?
I've been exhausted since having my baby nearly 2 years ago, and it's just got worse and worse with my weakness, especially as I used to be on antidepressants before I had her. So you could say I was run down, yes!

10-11-16, 20:04
That general weakness and shaky muscles doesn't stop you doing anything. You've had extensive tests and that rules out anything serious. So I think we can safely say you're experiencing the effects of adrenaline on your muscles making you tremble and shake. The truth about these symptoms is that they can make you feel like you will collapse, but it's a lie. Your legs will work just as they always did. You can do anything you want while feeling this way, I assure you.

10-11-16, 23:08
I agree with what people are saying here ! get exercises, work your way up to 1/2 hr of sweaty heart pumping, shaky sand exhausting exercise. This will improve your energy levels and allow you to do more.

You maybe have some de conditioning of muscles and cardio systems... you need to prove yourself that you can still function normal and your body will do the rest.

12-11-16, 13:29
Thanks folks! I keep getting really lightheaded too with breathlessness, so that puts me off too! But I think I need to start really small and work my way up with exercise -maybe like minute by minute!.. will see how it goes! Cheers for the advice.

13-11-16, 20:51
yes start with even a few minutes per day, ad one min per day to it, start by walking around someone nice like a park and then work your way up to a slow jog, than work your way up to 1/2 hr sweaty jog.. by the time you can do this easily you might be cured. it's a good feeling to feel your body to adapt to more activity, forget the dizzy and btrethe they will follow suit.