View Full Version : To Take Blood Pressure Or Not?

04-04-07, 02:26
I seem to be doing better although today I started feeling really tired but the morning started off with a bang..I got out drove around the property checking fence and also took the four wheeler out around the property too and I have done that in a long time.Months ago when I was at the doctors office my blood pressure was high but they said it was probably because of nervousness and didnt really say anything other than if I was worried about it to come back sometimes and just let them check it.. I have asked my nurse friend on several occassions if she thought I had high blood pressure and she said not really.. But today I was feeling tired and her and her husband came by and we were all talking about feelings and such and her husband said that I should buy a blood pressure kit and check it everyday ..Im thinking if I did that then I would scare myself into having high blood pressure which would scare me even more..I don't want to take my blood pressure and am afraid to and remember when I was in the doctors office it was pretty high but they seem to think it was all white coat syndrome because I didnt have any other symptoms.If the nurse that sees me that often doesnt seem to think there is anything wrong with me should I force myself to take my blood pressure knowing it will scare me? I mean.. could all the things I feel be blood pressure related ? Or could I just say well nobody seems to think that is anything wrong so I don't really need it checked..? I am stuck and don't know what to do ..Help?

04-04-07, 03:32
I've got one and used to use it all the time but the bloody thing always said I was OK so i stopped using it.
It's amazing how bad you can feel and find your BP is OK.

04-04-07, 08:31
Im another one that always has high BP when i go to visit the GP, i did buy a monitor, but im afraid i took the batteries out as i got paranoid and was taking it twice a day everyday.
Im sure your GP is right, you probably have "white Coat" too.



04-04-07, 09:17

I personally wouldn't get one because I know I would get obsessive about using it, like I do sometimes with checking my pulse or googling symptoms.

Blood pressure is very sensitive to anxiety. If your doctor and nurse friend aren't concerned, then try to forget about it if you can. The medical profession are pretty hot on this if they think it is a problem.

Take care


05-04-07, 06:47
Ok well from what I have concluded from everyone the best thing is not to get one..Actually I did do a little reading about it and I Know that wasnt a good thing but it was very limited..I read where that you should have your blood pressure tested regular thats at least every two years ..Whew what a relief..But I talked to my nurse friend and she said no.. that her husband had just said if I had to monitor myself to get a blood pressure kit and check blood pressure and pulse only once a day.I am like a few of you what you said ,I would check it every fifteen minutes.Its so odd there are days when Im least concerned about checking my pulse that even when it beats hard I don't worry and then there are days that it seems I am checking it every so often.I don't what the differences is unless on the days that i check it the most I am not feeling that well.The nurses that took it at the doctors offices didn't seem concerned and said it would drop the moment that I walked out and I mentioned this to my nurse friend and she said they were more than likely 100 percent right ..She once again stressed there was nothing wrong with me and that not to worry about it ,and to stop worrying about health..that would make my blood pressure even higher..she said to relax and think positive thoughts and to stay busy.I mentioned to her the more I stayed busy the more weak and tired I became,she said good.. she said thats because you are so out of shape and if you keep it up no matter how you feel you will get back into shape..I think its just as well for me not to have a bp machine or I know me I would be checking it every other moment..I have just about stopped my googling and found it does nothing but harm.Most doctors and nurses say the samething.STOP IT.. They say that the information you find online only applies to certain things and that you have to know how to interupert them and a lot of the info is wrong to start with.. So not to do google because all you will find is terminal illness with every little thing.. Also I asked her point blank about worries about blood pressure and she said just stop thinking about it and to stop worrying about it and there is NOTHING wrong with me..I wished she would tell my body that because for some reason it doesn't seem to know lol..But thanks for your imput on the bp kit.I think that I will pass on it for now..