View Full Version : Headaches

10-11-16, 13:40
Hi all.

I'm having a bad day, really annoying considering how great I felt last week.

I have a headache 24/7. I have had it since I started with Anxiety. Some days it's worse than others but it is always there.

In May this year I had an MRI that came back negative and it was put down to my mental health issues.

I am getting a little fed up/scared now that even after a period of improvement, I still have this headache! It just does not let up. Painkillers don't really help that much either.

It's certainly not severe, I have no other symptoms of the scary stuff associated with headaches I'm just getting tired of it. I feel great mentally, but yet the headache never goes away.

Would you suggest I go to the doctor? I'm just worried that I've seen him a fair amount recently and he won't take me seriously.


---------- Post added at 13:40 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------


10-11-16, 13:55
Just wanted to share because I have had a headache for about a month, everyday.

Where's far back as I can remember in the spring and in the fall I get these long lasting headaches I really have never worried about them because I am quite sure that they are from the fluctuations in the weather.

In the car the other day I was listening to the doctor channel on Sirius Radio and it was neurologist talking about headaches something that stuck out to me was she said there are more than 300 types/reasons for headaches. The vast majority of them not serious.

What do you think about that? Since I don't have anxiety about my headaches I could rationalize in understand what she was saying.

Does it help you at all to know this?

10-11-16, 14:01
It really does help thank you.

The rational part of me knows that a headache is almost never caused by something more serious and if it were there'd be a lot of other symptoms alongside it.

It's just when you've had a headache EVERY MINUTE OF EVERYDAY for 7 months, it gets on top of me. I so so wish it would go away, i just want to feel COMPLETELY normal again.

10-11-16, 14:17
Ugh, I am really sorry to hear that, how miserable for you.

Another thought, could this possibly be from your neck?

Sooo many people I know have ongoing issues and the problem is stemming from their neck.

10-11-16, 14:26
Yeah, I've given out the same advice on one of my better days.

Neck and jaw issues, why can't i listen to my own advice though?

My head is banging right now and I don't know how to make it stop.

10-11-16, 14:44
Sorry to hear this mate.

My neck is the route cause of all of my headaches. A super firm memory-foam pillow fixed most of the issues.

10-11-16, 14:57
Yeah, bought of them recently. Thanks though

Just not helping. I'm letting bad thoughts into my mind this afternoon that because nothing fixes it it must be something bad.

It's not normal to have a headache for 7 months, even for someone suffering from Anxiety.

But I had an MRI and MRA (to check for aneuryms) privately, surely if there was anything then it would have been found.

God this is doing my pissing head in! Hilarious arent i?

---------- Post added at 14:57 ---------- Previous post was at 14:52 ----------

When I think about how I feel and how I've felt for the last 7 months it really gets me down.

Very tearful today.

10-11-16, 14:58
Can I suggest an experiment?

One thing I do when I get really bad headaches is put my head over the side of the bath, and shower ice-cold water all over my head.

That usually does the trick.

10-11-16, 15:05
Yeah, bought of them recently. Thanks though

[/COLOR]When I think about how I feel and how I've felt for the last 7 months it really gets me down.

Very tearful today.

That's because we're not meant to live in pain every day, it's emotionally exhausting.

I go to a chiropractor for my neck, when I started, I was going for my shoulder and arm. I didn't think I had an issue with my neck. Odd how pain refers itself to another area.

Every time I go, he asks me if I am having headaches because prolonged headache is very common with neck issues.

The main culprit is forward head posture.. and as long as it's not corrected, we are putting extreme stress on our neck, muscles, nerves, tendons... the pain will continue.

10-11-16, 15:06
Thank you man.

I'll be giving that a go.

I know deep down that it can't be anything serious, I wouldnt be walking, talking, driving, working, eating after 7 months of a headache if it was anything sinister, and surely something wouldve come up on the tests.

Just wish, one day, i wake up and feel normal!

11-11-16, 16:48
Hi there has you looked at NDPH or chronic tension headaches

16-11-16, 20:44
I'm having a terrible time at the moment.

My headaches are just not stopping, it's constant. I have brain zaps too. Sudden strange dizzy sensations in my head and tingly warm feelings in my arms.

I'm just so so scared that I'm really really ill and my MRI missed something. These feelings and things surely go way beyond what anxiety can cause? I'm trying to be logical, trying so so hard but this is just never ending.

Should I ask for another MRI? The last one I had was in May! I just can't believe that this is Anxiety.

I'm absolutely terrified. This is ruining my life. I can't go on like this.

20-11-16, 16:58
hows your head ,whats your view on this http://www.mdjunction.com/ndph