View Full Version : two months on

10-11-16, 16:59
Have been taking 20mg of citalopram for around 2 months now. Horrible side effects for the first few days but now it has just come routine and i keep having to remind myself to take it.

Still experiencing some side effects but nothing extreme. The main one is tiredness immediately following taking the medication but I now just take it before I go to bed. Apparently I have lucid dreams but no big deal.

Best advice received was from my GP who advised me to stay away from forums such as this. I think her take was that I should try not to dwell on my condition and just get on with life.

Life is interesting as ever. Still working madly trying to juggle two businesses, coping with an elderly parent with galloping alzheimers, trying to come to terms with my partner's daughter who is in a mental institution after a failed suicide attempt and helping her brother who is an epileptic and who has been very badly effected by his sister's actions.

Hey ho. There's always the lottery :)