View Full Version : return of the panic attacks

10-11-16, 17:21
Hey everyone,

i've been away for quite some time, i've been on citalopram for around 4 years and it has helped me live almost anxiety free... of course i had the odd panic attack and anxiety, but i always got past it.

recently a fear of mine kick started the 'panic cycle' of which one panic attack led me to have a panic attack based on the same phobia around 3 weeks later, in the same situation. ever since i've been tense and really unsure of how to deal with the anxiety, despite years of experience before being on medication... its like its brand new all over again!

anyway, the fear was aggression... i had an intrusive thought 'why not pull someones hair out?' and instead of thinking thoughts are just thoughts.. i had an all out panic attack, only i was on a bus, so no shaking, no crying.. i was bottling it with just my heart racing and feeling a wash of terror and hot sweats. i fixated on the idea i could just go crazy and get angry at someone even though i am not an aggressive person.. at all! i swerved out of the way of a leaf on my way home from work because i thought it was a small animal.

Anyway, i stepped out of the bus and sure enough the anxiety left me, in the form of vomit into the nearest hedge :doh: but i felt more than just the average panic attack that i could think was just anxiety, the fact it was tied to a fear made me feel disgusted with myself and really fearful of having another panic attack, or snapping at someone.

i'm sorry this is a long rant, i don't want to be a person that snaps all their anger out with no control. (i have never really fully understood or expressed anger in a way i would think of as rage) so i'm terrified its some box i can't close... like one day i'll get angry because a door won't close then start destroying the house. its such a silly fear but its causing me so much stress i'm scared of even thinking of being angry.

i'd love to hear any suggestions or anyone who has panic attacks triggered by a loss of control or intrusive thoughts. i'm terrified

13-11-16, 13:29
Hey everyone,

i've been away for quite some time, i've been on citalopram for around 4 years and it has helped me live almost anxiety free... of course i had the odd panic attack and anxiety, but i always got past it.

recently a fear of mine kick started the 'panic cycle' of which one panic attack led me to have a panic attack based on the same phobia around 3 weeks later, in the same situation. ever since i've been tense and really unsure of how to deal with the anxiety, despite years of experience before being on medication... its like its brand new all over again!

anyway, the fear was aggression... i had an intrusive thought 'why not pull someones hair out?' and instead of thinking thoughts are just thoughts.. i had an all out panic attack, only i was on a bus, so no shaking, no crying.. i was bottling it with just my heart racing and feeling a wash of terror and hot sweats. i fixated on the idea i could just go crazy and get angry at someone even though i am not an aggressive person.. at all! i swerved out of the way of a leaf on my way home from work because i thought it was a small animal.

Anyway, i stepped out of the bus and sure enough the anxiety left me, in the form of vomit into the nearest hedge :doh: but i felt more than just the average panic attack that i could think was just anxiety, the fact it was tied to a fear made me feel disgusted with myself and really fearful of having another panic attack, or snapping at someone.

i'm sorry this is a long rant, i don't want to be a person that snaps all their anger out with no control. (i have never really fully understood or expressed anger in a way i would think of as rage) so i'm terrified its some box i can't close... like one day i'll get angry because a door won't close then start destroying the house. its such a silly fear but its causing me so much stress i'm scared of even thinking of being angry.

i'd love to hear any suggestions or anyone who has panic attacks triggered by a loss of control or intrusive thoughts. i'm terrified

I've recently just been a major increase in my anxiety and stress in my life and I too was reacting with anger. I felt angry over really small things which really made me struggle in my job. I would argue with my family and work colleagues and snap at every little thing that would annoy me. I was put on a different medication for my anxiety and it really has helped to calm me down and I no longer lose my temper as bad as what I use too. What use to help me was to try to leave a situation which was making me angry and take five minutes to calm myself down. Deep breathing would also help me to calm down a little bit. Intrusive thoughts are horrible, try to recognise that these thoughts are just thoughts in your head. It's how you react to these thoughts which count. Try not to place to much emphasis with these thoughts, simply just allow them to exist in your mind.

You say you've been on your current medication for 4 years now. Maybe you need an increase in dosage or change in medication for the anxiety if your current medication doesn't seem to be working. It's best that you try and get to your GP and explain how you are feeling and your symptoms. :)