View Full Version : Bright red blood on tissue.

10-11-16, 18:06
18/m, was told 2-3 weeks ago I had a few hemorrhoids, never had any blood until today, when I hadn't had a BM in a few days, sorry for TMI but it burned a bit on the way out, was kind of sharp, and then there was bright red blood on the tissue, not loads but a bit, but not on the stool or in the bowl.

Am I in the clear to pass that off as piles?

10-11-16, 18:32
Was told 2-3 weeks ago I had a few hemorrhoids, never had any blood until today, when I hadn't had a BM in a few days, sorry for TMI but it burned a bit on the way out, was kind of sharp, and then there was bright red blood on the tissue, not loads but a bit, but not on the stool or in the bowl.

Am I in the clear to pass that off as piles? Hi thomas While we aren't dr's I would say yes, I too have had piles and they can easily bleed, Still think you should be told this by your dr though just to be sure :) Cheers

10-11-16, 19:16
I just want to reassure sure you; I have piles and have suffered with them since u had my first baby.. I've bled plenty of times and it's from irritation xx

10-11-16, 19:27
Yes hemorrhoids cause bleeding especially if you are constipated and straining

11-11-16, 06:25
Thanks everyone. If it becomes a consistent problem I'll get checked but I'm not too worried anymore :)

11-11-16, 10:31
Thanks everyone. If it becomes a consistent problem I'll get checked but I'm not too worried anymore :) WTG Thomas :)

11-11-16, 22:52
I've had two babies and I can reassure you that I get this too, I had an endoscopy camera test done and all the results came back fine and it's just the hemmoroids. They can be uncomfortable at times but I think you can get a steroid cream from the doctors if it continues to be an issue. Try not to worry ��

Maggy May
12-11-16, 02:59
Hi Thomas,
I too am a pile sufferer thanks to years of riding motorbikes (or at least that's what I like to blame). I am no doctor so please check with your gp if you are still worried, but I was always told that bright red blood is a good thing as it means it is fresh, and there always looks a lot more blood than there is. It may be worth discussing stool softeners with your doc to make things a bit softer and easier.