View Full Version : Is this just anxiety?

Sam Winter
10-11-16, 18:42
So I ate my dinner which was just baked beans as I'm having a bad spurt of reflux, and then I ate some malteasers chocolate after, it went down a little wrong(you know where it burns your throat) and I kinda panicked half to death, I've drank quite a bit but but I feel a lump feeling in the bottom of my throat and the urge to cough so now I'm scared the chocolates stuck there as with my LPR food tends to come up and down, I can still breathe just as normal but I'm just scared of the feeling, is it likely to be anxiety? it kinda feels like that especially as I can breathe and I did nearly have a panic attack but I just really need reassurance with this one :( x

10-11-16, 19:00
You know it is. :hugs:

10-11-16, 19:09
Hi Sam. It sounds just like anxiety. In fact, I've been feeling really anxious lately and since I've felt like that, it feels like there's a lump/weird feeling in my throat. It shows that the feeling is actually just caused by anxiety. I've seen sooo many people with anxiety who get the weird throats feelings also, so it's a really common symptom of anxiety. Because you panicked about the burning sensation, your thinking has become anxious and made you feel like there's something in your throat.
As you said, you can breathe fine, so you are absolutely fine. Nothing bad is going to happen as its just a feeling caused by the anxiety. Please try and keep reminding yourself the fact that it's just anxiety and that it can't harm you.
Sending you hugs honey :hugs: x

Sam Winter
10-11-16, 19:38
Thanks you both! drinking some hot tea now(decaffeinated of course haha) and playing some xbox, the feeling is still there but I'm more calmer, I had a meeting with a gender professional this morning so i've been on anxiety edge since then it was bound to happen so I apologize but thank you :hugs: x

10-11-16, 20:12
There's no need to apologise Sam, as we all know what its like. I'm glad you're feeling calmer now and well done on calming yourself down - you're doing really well. See distraction is really good, so keep yourself doing something you enjoy, such as playing Xbox. Don't beat yourself up over it, as you're just having a bit of a blip probably 'cause you been feeling on edge from your meeting. X

Sam Winter
11-11-16, 12:36
LPR is really scary, my throat currently feels cloggy after eating some cheese on bread and now I'm terrified so yay lol x