View Full Version : Not sure what to do, help much appreciated

10-11-16, 19:52
I've GAD , I've had it most of my adult life but only sought proper treatements about 4 years ago. Initially took citalopram,which actually worked apart from worst insomnia. After 6 months couldn't stand insomnia and had to stop. Since then relapsed loads and referred to psychiatrist who has basically tried me on loads of meds but all SSRIs gave me crazy insomnia, mirtazapinr made me so tired,trazadone didn't work etc etc
Started lyrica 6 months ago at 150 mg, worked well initially . Pooped out around Sept and went up gradually to 300mg. Isn' t working at all, am way fatter and miserable and anxious.
I know that when I go to Dr they will just bump it it. Am worried it will work for couple weeks each time then poop out. Seems to be common response. Also am really bloated, and gaining weight and am now in obsese range.
Not sure what to do next at all.
Should I just go with the bumping it up until max and gain the weight , water retention etc knowing it's likely going to stop working.
Feel like phych basically ran through the whole list of possible meds with me already, haven't tried quetiepine yet.
I feel really panicky that I'm never going to get better. I was so much better initially on it .
Any advice would be great, thanks guys.

10-11-16, 21:14
was it ever a drastic effect? I find pregabalin to be quite a subtle effect. I can still have a panic attack while on it but it seems to reduce the general anxiety symptoms a bit.

im just curious if im getting the right effect out of it.

im at 300mg right now and the dr said it can take 4 weeks to kick in. I certainly don't feel really calm on it right now.

isn't making me fatter unfortunately since I could do with some weight gain.

some people on here (and a girl ive chatted to who takes it and it transformed her life) are on 600mg and have been for years.

theres also apparently an initially europhia effect (don't think I got that either) so maybe you're getting that. or maybe you do just need a higher dose.

unfortunately it does seems like you have to try it and see. my dr and psychiatrist are both kinda vague about what dose I should be on.

hopefully there was something useful in that waffle

10-11-16, 21:28
Thanks for replying. Did get an initial out of it feeling and sometimes feel it's subtly working but not enough right now.
Im reluctant to go up in suppose cos of my weight gain.
Might try supplementing with herbal remedies if anyone know any good ones?
I will give it another week then as only 3 weeks on 300mg