View Full Version : Scared about vision

10-11-16, 21:21
Hi. New to anxiety forums but looking for help or some clarity. Here is my story.
I had a Laser eye surgery in my right eye that had a complication. The surgeon and and my personal eye doctor said the eye looks great and my vision is perfect according to the eye chart. Here is the problem. It affected my vision when it first happen and I could barely see out of it for about a month. Over that month and for the months to follow I got very bad anxiety and depression. Then out of nowhere the eye I didn't have surgery on began to get halos, Starbursts and focus/foggy issues.

Now months later my vision is all over the place. I have trouble focusing them, very sensitive to lights, foggy/hazy, vision seems darker and seems heavy at times. The right one seems worse, but at times it is better than the left. They are doing different things at different times. This confuses me. My doctor said it is anxiety and will get better when the built up anxiety calms down. The problem is my eye issues are running my anxiety. I have never had anxiety until now. I have been back to the eye doctor several times in the last couple of months and he said my eyes look fine.

I have a hard time believing that this can all be contributed to anxiety. I am not anxious about anything other than my eyes. I know I still have axiety though because my body will get tense and my limbs will begin to tingle.

So I guess my question is can this all really be caused by anxiety? It is just so hard to believe, especially since it fluctuates but has been constant (24/7) for many months now.


11-11-16, 04:08
How is your eye sight now? Maybe your problems will abate with time if everything works out nicely. Do relaxation exercises help? What do your doctors say about your symptoms? Difficult when you have symptoms that would rightfully cause anxiety in most people, so maybe you cannot expect to be free from anxiety for the time being, until things settle down a bit? What does it mean to see "20/20"?

11-11-16, 06:00
Sorry. I changed it. 20/20 means perfect vision. So they say I see perfectly but my vision keeps fluctuating and is almost like I'm looking through a cloud of smoke. There is also halos around lights and television.

12-11-16, 19:21
The last time my anxiety was really bad, my main focus was on my vision as well. I was convinced it was to do with a new steroid nasal spray I recently started using, so I stopped using it but my vision still seemed "off".

I'm not sure if the new medication actually did affect my vision or not but looking back on it now, a lot of the symptoms you've had (halos around lights, trouble focusing, foggy/cloudy vision, also horrible night vision) was myself completely convincing myself something was wrong.

Eventually all of this went away, that or I've adapted to them but I don't notice anything wrong with my vision anymore. I've also been to multiple eye doctors, who all said my eyes were completely fine. I still see a eye doctor once every year just to be sure though.

You could try going to a different eye doctor just to get a second option. Could give you a bit more peace of my mind. I know it did for me.

I'd say a lot of it is trouble adapting to your "new vision", especially since you've had complications. I can see that easily triggering anxiety, giving you more symptoms or making you believe you're still not "normal".

13-11-16, 18:31
Nina 102. So it eventually went back to normal or at least you don't notice it anymore? Did it take a while? I know I don't help myself when I start obsessing about it. I will start closing one eye then the other to see if one is seeing better than the other. This makes me crazy.

There are times when I am talking to someone and my eyes go in and out of focus. Also when I'm reading something on my phone the text will go blurry and then come back into focus a few seconds later.

Some days I laugh at these issues because I know they have to be anxiety driven and other days I doubt this could really be anxiety and it will never get better.