View Full Version : It works for me

04-04-07, 10:45
Hello !
I wanted to share my experience of using EFT to cope with stress / anxiety and panic. It works along the same lines as acupuncture and CBT combined but without needles ! Instead, you TAP (yes I said tap) various points on your body. My GP offers acupuncture in surgery and is very interested in this non-invasive technique. It works for me.

I found a practitioner locally who does free sessions over the telephone - as many of them do if you ask. You've got nothing to lose except high anxiety levels - so for more info look on www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com) - all the info on how to do it is free to download. Let me know how you get on.

04-04-07, 15:01
I am currently reading a book about EFT and its fascinating. When I have a panic attack I tap my collar bone each side and the karate chop point on the outside of each hand. It helps but doesnt cure it forever. Am hoping the book I am reading will help. Wenjoy x

05-04-07, 18:59
Hello Wenjoy !
The book I had about EFT was by Valerie and Paul Lynch after I saw them on the Richard & Judy programme. Hope you had a look at the website as it has loads of user-friendly info.

05-04-07, 20:12
Yep mine is the same - I think its truly amazing how our body works and how meridians and acupunture works!! Wenjoy x

09-04-07, 21:29
I have used this and it does help. It is kind of a distraction therapy based I think on the brain having two halves which control different things. It's not acure, but it does sometimes bring my anxiety down. This tells you where to tap:
