View Full Version : went well with the psyciatrist

11-11-16, 15:45
went to see a psyciatrist today he also had a mental health worker with him .he dosnt want me to go on any meds yet because some tend to make anxiety worse for a while and that might push me to self harm again ,so the mental haelth worker is coming to my home to work with me with my anxiety and my fear of going out alone ,he said its going to bbe tough at times its all about faceing my fears and it isnt going to happen overnight .he dosnt like diazepam so fingers cross:)

11-11-16, 16:16
Facing your fears is really the only way forward. Not easy, but once you're through it you'll be so relieved. And how wonderful that someone is coming to your home to help you through it. Keep posting to let us know how it goes.

11-11-16, 16:27
thank you ive been hideing away for to long ,hope your well:)

11-11-16, 17:29
You took a very bold step and your bravery should be commended. Congrats for doing so! Remember, one step at a time, one day at a time and keep a journal of your successes. It does take time and you measure progress in weeks and months. That success journal will be influential in helping you see how far you've come when things get discouraging (and expect that they will at times).

I hope others are inspired to take the steps toward healing as you've done.

Positive thoughts

11-11-16, 17:43
Good for you, facing your fears. good luck.