View Full Version : I bleeping hate anxiety

11-11-16, 20:07
So here I am again mind racing, chest pains, jaw clenching, heart beating, arms aching. I am so scared of dropping dead from a heart attack and all the while I am trying to act as normal as I can around my kids. Wow I hate anxiety I am writing this down part of me thinking heart attack half of me thinking anxiety attack. I wish it would just piss off and never come back. I am sick of living on a knife edge all the time, sick of being scared of the next attack and sick of not believing its not heart related even when I have been here a thousand times before and always been alright. Christ almighty is a load of ********!!!!

---------- Post added at 20:07 ---------- Previous post was at 20:05 ----------

B O L L O C K S is the last word :)

11-11-16, 20:23
I know exactly how you feel! Sorry to hear that you're struggling to. I really wish mine would just bugger off and never come back, I hate feeling on edge all the time about having an attack. I get anxious about being anxious ahhhhhh! I'd love to be normal like everyone else.
But, you have got through this before and so you will get through it again.

11-11-16, 20:35
Thank you rosiebell, its horrtible, I am counting the minutes till the kids go to bed so I can just pace around because for some reason this makes me feel better. I know we will come out the other side of this, I just want it to be now and no one ever have another panic attack ever!! Thank you for the reply

11-11-16, 21:03
That's ok Hun. If pacing makes you feel better then go ahead and do it. Moving about should help to get rid of all that adrenaline you've got from the anxiety. They say it's good to exercise when you're feeling anxious.
I know I really want it to just completely end and not have another minute of this £&@( but we gotta keep remarrying that it will soon pass.

11-11-16, 21:18
Whenever my cousin would have anxiety, whether it be hyperventilation or palps, her therapist would take her running up and down the stairs. It's supposed to really help!
So she would spend her nights pacing around the living room to get her anxiety under control. I can understand pacing helps you. Keep at it!
I wish I could say it goes away. But after 6 months of daily anxiety, I did really well this year. However I still have on and off periods and I'm currently feeling very anxious.
Started with a migraine this morning which always sets me off, and currently I'm really worried about my heart. Not particularly having palps. Just feeling a bit nauseous. And worried for no apparent reason!

11-11-16, 22:20
My friend Abi has anxiety and she has had a panic in the middle of the night and gone running down the road to get rid of all the adrenaline!

11-11-16, 22:26
Well I don't see myself doing that :P Luckily I have stairs, so I can always go up and down them a few times if necessary

11-11-16, 22:30
She yes, much better and warmer idea lol!

12-11-16, 09:07
Well guys good morning and guess what I am still here! An hour of pacing around and some good background music did the trick. Planet Caravan by Black Sabbath is so chilled to panic to. Now to just try and keep the scary thoughts out of my head for the day and eat well. Going to take kids swimming too as that will loosen my chest muscles which get super tense when anxious and I know this gives me the pains I think are heart problems. Thank you so much for your replys Belle and Fairy you lil superstars :) Here's to a beautiful day for all!!!

12-11-16, 18:39
See, you can set through this! You've done it before, so you will again! At leat you know now that if you feel like that again, then you need to get pacing and stick some Black Sabbath on and you will be a-ok! :)
It helps to identify our coping strategies so that we feel more prepared for if we feel like that again. My support worker made me write down all the things I could do and turn to if I felt panicky again, so it's good for me to read and remind myself that there are things that can help me get through it.
That exercise will be good for the anxiety and good to do something you enjoy with your kids to make you feel better.
Hope you had a good day!

24-08-19, 15:38
Wow nearly 3 years ago and am still the fecking same, i am exhausted with all this... laughing or i might cry lol