View Full Version : very tight neck , headache ,nerve sensations

11-11-16, 23:13
hi all

Its been a while .

However things have been very tense for me with various family issues and my body is feeling it .

Worried about tight sore neck and tension headaches then occasional creepy crawly sensations anywhere in my body and face .its not like numbness but more like a spiders web feeling .Get odd shooting pains randomly at any place . its frightening if its across my head .

anyone experienced this ?


12-11-16, 02:49
No, I can't say I have, but it reminds me of what I've read about Lyme's disease (which I've had multiple times, it's a tick-borne bacterial infection). Read here: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Lyme-disease/Pages/Introduction.aspx search for 'stiff neck' and 'later symptoms'. Have you spent time in woodland areas? That said, I once caught Lyme's disease when I hurriedly walked over a grassy field on the way to my (then) nearest train station, so the word 'woodland' mustn't be taken literally.