View Full Version : ladies please

04-04-07, 12:45
Hi,I would like to know from you ladies if you get strange feelings before your periods due.:blush:
About two days before my periods arrives I get a sicky feeling,feel agitated and anxious.I need to wee more:ohmy: and feel tired.I get light headed feeling.
My pains start slightly about a day before my period actually starts.:weep: I always need to open my bowels when it arrives to :blush:
I would like to know how it affects other ladies.
Thank you

04-04-07, 15:29
yours seem really mild compared to what mine were like...

i used to have such intense pain i'd faint every month before my periods...

i'd have really bad mood swings... i remember one day i was at home with my family and went from being all lovely to being cruella da vil in the space of 5 seconds. my stepdad had made me a load of music cds for my birthday but decided to give them to me early to "help chill me out" as he put it, at which point i grabbed the cds, threw them on the floor andd screamed "i dont need any bl**dy chill out cds", then i ran upstairs to my bedroom and spent the rest of the day crying and feeling guilty i'd been so horrible... :blush: ... i mean my mood swings were terrible.

as for the pain i went on loads of different types of contraceptive pill but none helped. my periods would also last about 16 days some months. i got given some pain killers by the doctors ~ didn't help so i kept going back until i was on really srong pain killers but even they didn't help. my mum used to say it looked like i was in labour. i would literally be on the floor screaming and sweating.

luckily i dont have periods anymore and therefore dont experiance any pain or mood swings :yesyes: but everyone is different and just remember it could vbe worse

04-04-07, 15:37
Hi Ellen!
I can relate to a lot of those symptoms but I found my anxiety improved greatly after I started taking Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin B6 supplements. I get tired too and my first urge is to reach out for a chocolate bar! I also get broody around that time of the month and tearful too. Strangely enough, I also need to wee more and go to the loo more often as well...I wonder why?

04-04-07, 16:50
when I was a teenager I used to get really really painfull periods,I used to have to stay in bed all day the first day,I used to be sick everywhere,but as I have got older they got slightly better.I still get bad months.My moods were a nightmare until I went on the antidepressants,I still go off on one.
I crave sweet stuff to.

04-04-07, 17:40
So sorry to hear that Lucy,hope all goes well for you:flowers:

04-04-07, 21:53
My pms has been so much better since i went on the drugs but my bowels deffo get looser and more frequent!!!

04-04-07, 23:37
Hi Ellen - sorry this is going to be a typicaly long GG reply-post:wacko:!

GG is in the 'twilight zone' of her period years! (Peri-Menopausal to any of you blokes who are having a sneaky look at this thread to try and discover wot makes us tick :blush::shades: !!)

About 15 years ago I had a 'Trans-Cervical Endometrial Re-Section' (sounds a lot worse than it is!) because I had always suffered from horrendously painful and heavy periods. Meant I wouldn't be able to carry any subsequent pregnancies but that wasn't an issue. I had my 3 daughters and my periods had improved slightly after their births but not significantly.

Prior to each period I would have a funny 'can't-be-bothered-with-anything-leave-me-alone' feeling , jumpy, nauseas, headache, tiredness and my legs ached ...........

Anyway I was offered a hysterectomy by my gynaecologist, but when I asked if this was the only solution he said it wasn't, so I opted for the aforementioned op. Way back then it was still in the 'experimental' stage.

But I haven't looked back. Now I have no pain to speak of, they are light and last for 7 days as opposed to 9. However, I do get mood swings sometimes, not all, and I have to poo too! (sorry, is that too graphic?). The 'funny feeling' seems to have gone but I do get terrific breast pain though. ( this is the one issue I would personally like to resolve.)

I tried Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin B, but I'm so crap at remembering to take it that I didn't bother any more so I don't know if they would have worked or not!!

Right, any blokes reading this - aren't you glad you're not us??? :winks:

Sorry if this isn't much help Ellen - so here are some flowers to compensate:flowers: