View Full Version : Absolutely petrified

12-11-16, 07:55

So, I went to see the doctor re lump under my armpit. He felt it and said because of my age it could be fibrocystic so I've got to wait three weeks until after my next period for him to have another check, if it's not gone I'll be reverted for a scan. I am absolutely petrified and feel like I already know it's going to be bad. I'm going away for a month over Christmas to New Zealand so I don't even think I'll be able to get scanned until after (which I did tell the doctor) so it's going to ruin the whole trip unless I cancel it. There's a family history, my grandma on my mum's side had it at around 45.

I did have a full blood count on Monday for something unrelated and they all came back fine, I don't know if they would have potentially shown anything anyway but the doctor checked them.

If anyone has ever been through similar, or knows someone who has, advice would be much appreciated!

12-11-16, 09:24
What bit of it is causing you the most worry?

12-11-16, 09:43
well, that it's going to be there still when I go back and that it is breast cancer, not just a lump.

Then there's the worry about whether I should even go on holiday because that will be delaying the scan for a month, when I've been looking forward to going since April this year.

It's just come at a rubbish time and I just feel like I know it's going to be bad.

12-11-16, 17:31
Hi there,

I know it's hard but try not to worry too much.

I'll quickly relate my experience. Not so long ago I had a mole on my leg become inflamed and raised. Went to the docs and she thought I may have skin cancer. I became pretty scared. In the meantime the mole flaked away and by the time of the hospital visit it had all but gone

The dermatologist looked at it and there was no issues. She checked my upper body over only to find another mole which she insisted I get removed. It had all the hallmarks of a melanoma. Turned out to be non cancerous.

Reason I relate that story is although some things may look bleak to us there is also a high chance it could be nothing.

Now I'm awaiting a scan on a neck lump...oh joy!!! Hold your head high and remember that anxiety makes you think everything is worst case scenario.

12-11-16, 19:28
What did the doctor say about waiting to get scanned after the trip? If he seemed alright about it, then I wouldn't worry too much.

I know this stuff really sucks when it happens around the hoildays. You feel as if your trip or plans are ruined, but that's your anxiety telling you that. Nothing has to be "ruined" espeically since you don't even know if it's serious or not.

Worrying can wait. No point in constantly worrying about tomorrow when you're never enjoying today.

12-11-16, 19:43
He didn't say much about it, he just talked about potentially having to have one. But then I think maybe he thinks it's nothing because of my age but it could actually be.

I know it's pointless worrying but it's hard not to.

12-11-16, 19:56
He didn't say much about it, he just talked about potentially having to have one. But then I think maybe he thinks it's nothing because of my age but it could actually be.

I know it's pointless worrying but it's hard not to.

Trust me I know all about it lol. I worry about everything; even some stuff that might not happen for years or decades.

But I'm trying to give that up. Trying to focus more on the now, rather than later and what could happen.

The thing is when you're constantly worrying about the future, you're not enjoying the present. Then you'll look back and think "Why did I take those times for granted?".

It's not something that will happen overnight but it's something to think about and work on. If I were you, I try to enjoy the trip and the holidays instead of looking back and thinking "I wish I went and had a good time".

12-11-16, 20:00
The fact that your full blood count came back good should set you at ease.
I went to the doctor for a lump in my neck last month, and she immediately said: well you had a full blood count which came back clear so this won't be anything sinister.
Doctor's very much rely on your bloodwork so take comfort in knowing that