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View Full Version : Worried about lymphoma

12-11-16, 09:02
I've had raised lymph nodes for about 2.years now. I had a fine needle biopsy of one 2 years ago which came back as benign. I have always been terrified of developing night sweats as I know these are a lymphoma symptom. Yesterday st work, I started to develop a sore throats and feel generally unwell. In the evening this developed into a fever (hot then cold, shivering). I didn't have many problems during the night, having slept through without any sweating. This morning I am still very weak and still have a fever, but it is most holy hot and sweaty. I had a flu jab around 3 weeks ago, so surely this can't be a fever? I'm worried it's because I have lymphoma. If I had night sweats due to lymphoma, would it be like an actual fever? Or do you not actually feel hot but just sweat?

12-11-16, 09:21
Its the season for colds and flu.

If in doubt get checked out, but its unlikely to be lymphoma.