View Full Version : does anxiety come back?

12-11-16, 14:19
hey everyone,

lately i've been extremely stressed out, a panic attack a month ago and a repeat panic attack this week has left me really on edge, i'm talking tense all morning and afternoon, then again when i try and sleep.. i've been on medication for depression for 4 years and i was looking at coming off as i'm no longer suffering from low mood, but anxiety is back to kick me in the teeth!

i'm finding it so hard to deal with because my anxiety until recently was not an issue at all. a bit of context, i was diagnosed with GAD and suffered with panic attacks regularly before the depression.... is this my normal? or just a set-back?

its just so much easier for me to get anxious again and i'm really struggling to come to terms with it. :weep:

12-11-16, 14:54
pnawn da Grace :)

they can all cross over to be honest, anxiety seems to be more urgent and tiring, but the tiredness can feel a lot like depression if it goes on any length of time.

before tapering off your meds I`d try and get a few things in place like regular sleep, time outdoors, regular meals etc all the basics, so that you`re ready for the challenge. Anxiety can always lurk whenever we are about to do anything different so your little voice may be saying you`ll never cope, stay on meds blah blah but I found that writing down my thoughts then challenging them always helped

you may well have little setbacks but see it as a very long journey, with the occasional pothole or puncture, but you`ll get there.

the awful thing with panic attacks is after a few of them you are set up ready for the next which tires you out so consider that yes, you may have another at some point, but you`ll survive it like you have before and you won`t fight it, you`ll go with it and let it pass. there are lots of good tutorials on youtube for tapping point exercises that help so doing a bit of research also helped me feel I was putting the work in if you like.

I wouldn`t say I`m 100% even now but honestly you`ll be miles better than you are currently, and please come off your meds steadily with your gp`s guidance. I went about 10% reduction every couple of weeks over a long time as I`d been on them years.

and i`d minimise caffeine, simple sugars and alcohol for a while, at least until you feel you`ve had a week or two of feeling very good once you`re off your meds

very best of luck with it all, take your time and know that plenty of people are about day and night if you need help :hugs: