View Full Version : Weird Vibrations.

12-11-16, 15:40
Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing well this weekend.

Anyway, I started my anti anxiety medication as some of you will know (Sertraline and Propranolol) 11 days ago where I did have some initial side effects for 2 days but they quickly disappeared. I had been feeling fine right up until Wednesday (day 8) when I started to feel like I was vibrating.

Long story short, I have checked how I feel in various positions (sitting, standing, laid down etc) and I still feel the vibrations. (The reason I checked was because I was in bed when it first occurred and I thought it was perhaps the springs in my mattress).

It is in my back, all over and it is very intense. It hasn't stopped at all or lessened; It is not painful but it's uncomfortable to feel unnatural movement and it is making it difficult for me to relax. I checked and when I put my hand on any spot on my back I can actually feel the vibrations in that way as well.

I am not resorting to "Doctor Google" because I know it will give me "bad news" that is likely far removed from the reality and also I am not obsessing about this in that I haven't suddenly jumped "themes" with my anxiety, I'm just looking to see if it has happened to anyone else.
