View Full Version : Worried about rash-pic

12-11-16, 16:34
A few months ago I had a really bad rash on my face and neck. I thought it was poison ivy so I treated it like poison ivy. It lasted about a week and was the most painful rash I have ever had. Well today it's back. I'm starting to get scared it's a thyroid issue. It's red and bumpy and a little raised and swollen and itches like hell. There's not a lot of home treatment I can do because I'm allergic to aloe which is in most skin care products. Anyone have any idea how to smooth the itching??? I have cortisone cream on it but it's not helping and I can't go to drs till they open on Monday thanks!

12-11-16, 17:02
Hi The thing is you hve to have right cream for the rash you are treating :) Do you not have a emergency num,ber out of hrs you could call? Try calling your surgery and listen to any out of hrs message my surgey does have out of hrs service good luck :)

Catherine S
12-11-16, 17:12
It looks like the rash I had in the summer and have also had in previous summers, and mine is what we call hives. The jury is out over here as to whether it's an allergic reaction to anything, or part of an auto-immune issue. I have an underactive thyroid but nobody has ever made a connection between the two. My rash was all over, more or less from my face down to my knees, but not on my hands or feet and was both intensely itchy and burning at the same time.

My doctor said it could be a reaction to my washing liquid but i've been buying Sensitive liquid for over 20 years so I know it's not that. I've never known what the cause of it is, but the doctor prescribed anti-histamine drops and they cleared it up in a couple of days. I'm really sensitive to insect bites and stings and get alot of problems from them in the summer, so maybe it's when my system is a bit overwhelmed by the histamine that the rash occurs.

Your rash looks and sounds alot like hives too.


12-11-16, 20:00
It's only on my neck and face. No place else itches! Oh it's such a terrible itch and I can't really itch it cause it's right on my throat. I'm not gonna lie if we're on my arms or legs id be itching like crazy lol. I'm going to go see my dr Monday even though my anxiety is through the roof there. I have been having other thyroid issues so I want to get it checked. My periods are all over my eye have felt like they were bulging out of my head, weird sweating at times. Ugh why can't I just be normal!!!

---------- Post added at 20:00 ---------- Previous post was at 17:36 ----------

Now it's starting to hurt to swallow where the rash is. Feels like there's a marble stuck in there. I'm starting to freak out that it's cancer or something wrong.