View Full Version : Hi everyone - a little about me and my story

12-11-16, 16:55
Hi everyone,

Never made a post like this in my life but have suffered with anxiety on and off for years, I'm 44 now!

Let me tell you my recent story....

I had a suspicious mole on my right calf. It became raised and inflamed and immediately I became worried. Then I headed over to "Dr Google" which informed me I had skin cancer. (Quick word of advice... Never ever use Dr Google")
I went to the doctor who thought I had early Squamous Cell and referred me to the dermatologist. I was pretty freaked out by this and the 2 week wait was hell.
In the meantime a strange thing happened. The mole pretty much flaked away so by the time of the appointment it was pretty much gone.
The derm took a look and was satisfied nothing untoward. She decided to check me over on my upper body only to find a much darker mole and said "this has got to come out" in no uncertain terms.

So cue more panic, cue Dr Google! I happened to find a picture of a mole that looked exactly like mine and was a melanoma. It had all the hallmarks trust me!
Long story short I had it removed and a month later was told it was non cancerous. That was a few days ago.

In the meantime I have developed a lump on the left side of my neck. Very small, firm but not rock hard but doesn't seem to move. Went to the doctor, he thinks it may be a cyst but I have to have a scan. All this in the space of about 2 or so months.

I'm halfway convinced it will be cancer but I have to remind myself it's likely anxiety speaking. I say all this because I was convinced I had skin cancer twice but both times the result was fine but like most anxiety sufferers even that experience is not enough.

Anyhow I will be pleased to meet any of you who reply to this post. Maybe we can help each other out on this road.:yesyes:

12-11-16, 17:05
Hiya Mikiuslorenzo and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

13-11-16, 11:35
Hi Mikiuslorenzo nice to meet you I have a friend who had lump on his neck and it looked worse than it was and it was dealt with that's the only thng i can say it is and it wasn't cancerous either he did tell me it's name Bronchial Cyst or something like that so try not to worry everything will be fine And stop Googling Dr Google :)

13-11-16, 12:58
Hi Bigboy, haha never thought I would say that in all seriousness, excellent name!

Pleasure to meet you too, thanks for the reassurance. I'm trying to keep a lid on the it, it's just been a lot happening all at once.

Happy Sunday:yesyes::yesyes:

13-11-16, 13:24
Hi Bigboy, haha never thought I would say that in all seriousness, excellent name!

Pleasure to meet you too, thanks for the reassurance. I'm trying to keep a lid on the it, it's just been a lot happening all at once.

Happy Sunday:yesyes::yesyes: Hey thank you :) its basicaly because i was 5 stone yes 5 stone overweight hence my userrname!! Soz cant even pronounce your name LOL what country is it from or should I say it's probalby some character off Tv or something like that :) You too have a happy sunday :yesyes:

14-11-16, 23:46
Nice to meet you Mikiuslorenzo! Sorry it's under the circumstances of anxiety, however.

I also have a bit of healthy anxiety. I've been having throat problems that my doctor seems to think are anxiety related but I've been undergoing tests to ensure that there aren't physical causes. I've had a barium swallow and see an ENT tomorrow. Hopefully I can find out if something's wrong. Also, I am starting anxiety medication later this week so I'll let you know if that helps me. I've been seeing a counsellor too.

Hope you keep us updated!

15-11-16, 18:57
Nice to meet you Mikiuslorenzo! Sorry it's under the circumstances of anxiety, however.

I also have a bit of healthy anxiety. I've been having throat problems that my doctor seems to think are anxiety related but I've been undergoing tests to ensure that there aren't physical causes. I've had a barium swallow and see an ENT tomorrow. Hopefully I can find out if something's wrong. Also, I am starting anxiety medication later this week so I'll let you know if that helps me. I've been seeing a counsellor too.

Hope you keep us updated!

Pleasure to meet you too Dasani95.

I'm still waiting for the date of the scan, can't say I'm looking forward to it but at least I will know either way. Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow, let me know what the outcome ease please:)