View Full Version : Please help me

12-11-16, 18:22
Please help me with this. I am a mess.

In July I noticed I had issues with my left eye vision felt blurry, sensitive to light and straining. Went to optician who said all normal and diagnosed dry eyes.

I'm now 7 weeks post natal and the eye issue has not completely resolved. So I went to another optician last week. All was normal apart from the visual field test. The first time i done it it had a lot of missed results. It was repeated and still came out abnormal but not as bad. I completely freaked out. I've also been feeling off balance, headaches, numbness in face, memory issues and feel like I'm on another planet. I woke up tue night in a blind panic and felt disorientated and went to accident and emergencY. Told them what had been going on and the optician results. I was convinced I had a brain tumour. They admitted me. They sent off a range of bloods and did a brain MRI on Thursday which came back normal. I felt relieved and was discharged yesterday.

I still have the eye issues and all I keeep thinking is that maybe a tumour was missed on the MRI? They didn't use contrast so now I'm thinking something was missed? I have an outpatient opthamologist app and an outpatient neuro app. The consultant said she thinks it's migraines but I don't have the headaches when I first have the vision issue.

I'm terrified I have a Brian tumour that has been missed or that I have muscular dystrophy of something as this doesn't show on an MRI.

I'm a nervous wreck and can't stop crying.

12-11-16, 18:37
Sounds like it could definitely be migraines.

12-11-16, 18:44
Do you think the MRI could have missed a brain tumour?

12-11-16, 18:55
I don't know anything about MRIs but I imagine they're very accurate. I get migraine visual auras with no headache . Migraine can have all sorts of symptoms. Anxiety can make any symptom feel loads worse.