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12-11-16, 18:46
I am flapping about this left side back pain, i got my OH to rub it and either my rib or the space in between is really sore when you press on it. I have had it for weeks now and starting to worry its an organ.

13-11-16, 14:08
Nobody else?

Bike Rider
13-11-16, 17:17
Could be you have pulled a Serratus muscle between the ribs and because you have to breathe, can be a problem to repair.

Dont lift anything and take it easy. Paracetamol if very painful.

13-11-16, 17:29
I am flapping about this left side back pain, i got my OH to rub it and either my rib or the space in between is really sore when you press on it. I have had it for weeks now and starting to worry its an organ.

I've got the same on the right hand side of my upper back, also a bit at the bottom. I don't know it it is connected or not but it wears me down. Could you have maybe been lying funny or in a draught? If it's between the ribs it might well be muscular?