View Full Version : Agoraphobia, GAD Monophobia, Depression

17-10-04, 21:49
from Blossom. You know that I have suffered from anxiety Panic attacks and agoraphobia for many years now, but Depression has set in over the last couple of years, and wake each morning afraid to face the day, I wake with that knot under the rib cage, and that starts me off.
About a month ago, I started to get out each day with my cousin or husband in the car, even went into Town, and in the shops alone, whilst they waited outside. The morning had been weepy, but made myself go in the afternoon, was so pleased with myself, ( not brave ) but did it, but I was in two weeks ago for a few days, and it has stopped me going out now. I even went into the British Home Stores, and M&S to have a scone and a cup of tea. Very shaky but did it, even went to Sainsburys and did some shopping on a quiet day, but now am back to square one, after being in for those few days. Today has been a terrible day to the point when I have been hysterical crying, I get afraid to face each day I went to my GP last Wednesday, and he said there was nothing he could do, but to buy a dog, what a diagnosis, they just dont want to know, I dread going to bed, as I am afraid of waking in the morning the tears just come and last usually for a few hours on and off, but can anyone help me, I guess I wake with it on my mind. I tell myself every night, TOMORROW WILL BE A GOOD DAY, What has gone wrong, can anyone help me. PLEASE. Thankyou from Blossom

17-10-04, 22:07
Hi Blossom,

I don't understand from your post what happened- not sure if its missing a line.

Sounds like you were doing really very well day after day and then had a weepy moring but went out in the afternoon and then I get lost - what happened next ?

Anyway - many congratulations for doing so well and making great progress.

The dog thing is all about having something that you need to look after and take out regularly . It works very well with some people who are alone and it works both for motivation to go out and for needing to take care of and think of something apart from yourself .

Sorry you're having a rough time but do focus on how well you've been doing.


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

18-10-04, 10:47
Hi Blossom!

You are doing so so well! Give yourself some credit for your strength and determination! :)

I too suffer from agoraphobia, panic attacks and depression. I made my fist venture outside in a year about a month ago and my first thought was "Yay Im cured!" The following day I was so upset to find I was back to square one! So I tried again and for a few days I was strong and well until another bad, low and weepy day hit me. And so a pattern formed.
Nothing has gone wrong Blossom. Its just that we soon learn there is no quick fix for what we suffer from. The frustration I often feel is immense and that too can knock me 2 steps backwards after taking 3 steps forward. It takes courage, strength and determination to battle depression etc on a daily basis and you have bucket loads of all 3!
Be proud of your acheivements so far!!
Take one day at a time and for every good day you have, praise and treat yourself. For every bad day, look upon it as a blip!

Sorry youre feeling low at the moment and I hope youre feeling better about things soon! You have more good days to come! :)

Take care

Love Minny..xx

I have NOT failed!! Ive succeeded in finding 1000 solutions that dont work! :o)