View Full Version : Remembrance Day

13-11-16, 13:15
Today is an important day as a remembrance to those who fought and lost their lives so that their families and ongoing generations could live in peace and have a better future than they did.
And how the people' came together to support, help and fight for survival.
WE must not forget this; EVER!!!!

I never take simple things in life for granted..........
A roof over my head.
A good hearty meal.
Clothes that keep me warm.
And friends that are there for you in your hour of need.
I for one, am truly grateful.

13-11-16, 15:17
Absolutely, Carnation. Thanks for creating this thread. I just logged on to see if anyone had created a thread about this or I was going to.

My dad's oldest brother joined the Royal Marines as a young man in WWII. After the war be trained new recruits for years. He died last year, in his nineties.

My great granddad, on my mum's side, was in the Royal Navy in both world wars. I've seen his medals, including the long service medal.

I am grateful for the courage shown by our parents, grand parents, great grandparents and generations beyond for fighting and enduring against all the odds.

Today we complain about society and our lives yet we live a dream compared to these people and we should never forget them. This should be especially relevant in 2016 given the toxic attitude of many of those who have moaned about the EU referendum. You may not have even had a right to vote on anything if it wasn't for the endurance & courage of some of these people and no matter what you think of such votes, you should always be respectful due to this alone!

We will never forget what true sacrifice means.


13-11-16, 23:34
I feel incredibly grateful that my sons have a choice whether to go to war or not - their great grandfather did not and he never saw his children grow up. X