View Full Version : Tooth/dentist worries

13-11-16, 18:31
I haven't been to the dentist since I was a teenager about 8 years ago because I had a filling and it put me off. I've never really had problems with my teeth until 5 days ago I woke up in the middle of the night with servere tooth pain the pain was so bad it made my body feel so weak. So for the past 5days I've had slight pain in the right side of my jaw and through to my ear giving me a headache, when I drink something cold or go out in the cold I get the servere pain. I am so scared to go to the dentist, it's just the fear that I can't leave if I'm having a panic attack in the dentist chair. Does anyone know what this pain could be? Just so I'm prepared for when I go. I keep thinking that I've got an infection or I will need a tooth removed, I'm thinking the worst possible things which is making me worse! I did look online and it did say it could be tmj which I had a few years ago, or does it sound like I need a filling? I know no ones going to know without looking in my mouth I just want to know what the symptoms I've said sound like and if anybody else had had the same. Thanks

13-11-16, 18:49
Does anyone know what this pain could be?

Obviously it's a dental issue that needs attention. No one can tell you specifically. The bottom line is you're going to have to suck it up and go to the dentist! Make sure you make them aware of your anxiety as they can address that when you go and make it easier to get the attention you need for your teeth.

Positive thoughts

13-11-16, 19:07
True, you will have to go to the dentist. Be prepared that he will find more than one issue with your teeth. You won't have a panic attack. Call your dentist in advance and talk it over, so you can get perhaps something to make you calmer a little while before your appointment, and then you'll of course get anaest.. anesthesia while they do whatever needs to be done and then you don't feel a thing. (Trust me I go to the dentist often). Then you might want to schedule a checkup appointment every six months, for the foreseeable future. The pain to get the ana.. ane.. anesthesia is at its worst similar to someone stepping on your toe with a high heeled shoe, but the anesthesia will sort of numb itself out and you won't feel the actual operation. Since you probably have an inflammation, it will feel a little bit more than it normally does. Ask the dentist to have a radio turned on in the background while he is working, because it helps to concentrate on listening to a nice radio program instead of focusing on what he is doing. Keep your eyes closed (no need to stare him in the eye) and ask him to tell you what is going on, what he is about to do. It is very unlikely you'll have a panic attack in the chair itself, more likely you'll have one in the waiting room. Bring a book or a cosy magazine and a phone with some music in it, to listen to while you're waiting. Tune into some calm playlist, like this one (I picked it because of the cover picture) https://open.spotify.com/album/0ohuafM2xVjAFt8fkAvvKu :)

There is probably some place you can go right away tomorrow morning. Where I am, emergency dentists don't walk all day around, but are only open between say 7 am and 22 pm. You will need to find out how it works in the UK (or maybe someone can fill in the details...)

14-11-16, 13:32
As the others said, there's not much option here other than biting the bullet and heading to the dentist for a check and treatment (if required).

Just make sure you tell them (and be honest!) about your anxiety and fears. Trust me, they will have heard it a thousand times over - fearing the dentist is extremely common, so you will be far from the only one.

Good luck with everything - hope it goes well. Let us know what happens :)