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View Full Version : Focussing on swallowing

13-11-16, 20:19
Throughout the day today, I have been totally focussed on swallowing.

It feels like food and drink hits my Adam's apple on the way down, also feels like it moves down the back of my throat, and only travels down the left hand side of my throat, instead of being even.

I also get neck pain, and pain in the muscles running down to my collarbone after I eat, I don't know if it's from tensing up whilst I'm eating, but it quite severe.

I've got all my food down, drank tons of water trying to prove I'm fine.

Can anyone related to these sensations, could this be more than anxiety!?

Thanks, Phil.

16-11-16, 01:17
I have something really similar. My throat is bothering me too when I swallow. I had a barium swallow (came back fine), thyroid ultrasound (came back fine), and just saw an ENT today who stuck a camera down my throat (came back normal but signs of silent reflux). Starting treatment for silent reflux today but also starting anxiety medication on Friday.

Have you seen a doctor? If it still bothers you, it's worth seeing a doctor to rule out physical causes.

08-12-16, 18:12
Sorry, I never saw you had commented.

I have seen a doctor who actually took it seriously and says I have silent reflux. I had a scope done 2 years ago which showed signs of it, but the symptoms went away. My swalllowing has been loads better today, best in weeks. All I've been doing is taking gaviscon every time I eat, whether there are symptoms or not, so hopefully the progress continues! I still feel rancid though, tired and dizzy, burning eyes. Hoping it's just me tiring myself out from not eating properly and worrying all day.

How have you been?
