View Full Version : Is it anxiety or something else?

13-11-16, 23:27
In the past month or so I have been having some anxiety about my health mainly my heart, I keep believe and telling my self that something's wrong and it gets to me a lot, I feel as if I'm about to have a heart attack and I get pains around my heart when I think about. This usually only happens at night before I go to sleep. I also get get abdominal pain and sometimes I can't go to the toilet, this can last for days, it does go away but it comes back every week and it makes unable to concentrate cause I'm to busy concentrating on the pain. Can anyone help me?

14-11-16, 10:47
Hi Ethan,

Have you been to see your Doctor?

You have an anxiety problem.

14-11-16, 13:11
A lot of anxiety sufferers also suffer from health anxiety. If you google it you'll find a lot of information.

We tend to focus on any small sensations in our body which then seems to be magnified in our minds and makes them feel very real to us.

CBT is a therapy that helps us to rationalize these thoughts.
Think about it this way: if there were a problem with your heart, why doesn't it ever get worse? Why does it only happen at night? If you are fully occupied do you still experience it? Chest pains often happen with anxiety.

Stomach problems are also very common with anxiety sufferers. Have a look at some information about IBS.

There's plenty of information on this forum.

You can see a doctor but make sure you tell him you're anxious.

There is medication to help or you can get over the counter remedies.
Rescue and Chamomile both help with anxiety and have no side effects.
Iberogas helps with IBS and is a herbal remedy. Or try peppermint tea.

But you really need to address your anxiety first because this is the root problem