View Full Version : Concerned About Complications of Bronchitis

14-11-16, 05:26
I had bronchitis about a month ago. I was put on steroids and cough suppressants with an inhaler to clear it up. I'm about three to four weeks out of treatment and I've started to feel funny. My throat feels wheezy. Like I'm having trouble taking in short breaths but deep ones are fine. I also feel like it's tight and hard to swallow. I'm able to just fine when I'm eating food or drinking water. I'm so focused on it and it's driving me nuts. I'm scared I'll have like upper respiratory failure and quit breathing. I'm scared I'll not be able to swallow. I'm so scared I have this doom feeling in my body. I'm scared to go to sleep tonight. I went online and requested an appointment to see my doctor. I just want to feel better. I feel like things have been so hard this past month. Last night I was even thinking it was lung cancer or late symptoms of CF. I am so scared.

14-11-16, 05:48
Bronchitis takes a long time to recover from. I had it earlier this year and even after the medication was finished and I felt better I still had symptoms like coughing and feeling tired.
And, as you've recognized for yourself, having HA we tend to focus on a symptom and magnify it in our head.
Since you've made an appointment with the doctor I'm sure he'll put your mind at ease and then you'll start to feel better and your fears will disappear.
Meantime rest and plenty of fluids and healthy food are what your body needs.

16-11-16, 06:27
I went to my doctor today and told her I've been feeling wheezy and like it's hard to swallow. Almost like a lump in throat feeling and it's hard to catch my breath.

She said that my oxygen is 100% and wants me to see my ears, nose and throat specialist to get a scope down my nose to look at the inflamation because she doesn't know what's causing it.

I'm really, really scared. I was hoping she would know what is wrong with my throat so I could get some medication and be okay. Now I'm waiting to call my specialist tomorrow, by the grace of God get in this week, and pray she has some answers. I just want to enjoy my life again. I'm so scared