View Full Version : Symptom Searchers?

04-04-07, 16:09
Hey gang... in need of a little reassurance that I am not alone here... (LOL).

I am someone with a HA that does things a bit differently... I hear about terminal illnesses (something like HIV or Cancer, etc) and then I look them up. Once I know the symptom of that disease... I watch for them. For example, I am constantly taking my temp. because I know that a fever is the first sign of many things... or if I were to get diarrhea, I can't just chalk that up to a stomach bug... I am certain it is a symptom of something serious because I read it...

Does anyone else operate this way? If so, has anyone discovered a method of help that has worked? I am sick of searching and re-searching on a daily basis because of normal, everyday, anxiety-induced symptoms... (see, I really KNOW that my symptoms are nothing to worry about... but I explain it like this... My heart understands... but I can't get my head to listen!)

Thanks everyone,

04-04-07, 16:19
Hi Adam,

I could have posted that lol. I'm not as bad now as I used to be because of this site and the great people here but I know what you mean and can relate to that. I used to spend hours googling symptoms but had to stop as it was driving me potty. I think us HA sufferers deserve a medal and should have been doctors lol. xx

04-04-07, 16:44
Hi Adam,
I have Googled many a time and come away believing I have some awful illness as well as convincing myself, even today, that my symptoms must be something more than anxiety. Very frustrating, I know.
I try not to Google as much but to be honest, I still find that I do it occasionally. Having access to the internet constantly at work when you're feeling this way is sometimes not a good thing!
Nevertheless, I would say, do your best to keep away from looking up all of the illnesses / diseases as you may soon find that you will worry less not checking up on them so regularly.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
Take care,

04-04-07, 21:43
Hi Adam

CBT will help you with severe HA. Can you get that?

04-04-07, 23:02

I can relate to that to, but have nearly stopped looking up symtoms on the net because it was just making the anxiety worse.

love mandie x

05-04-07, 09:02
I can definitely relate to this! Although I have stopped now for the most part. It is a terrible cycle... The thing is, you can always find something bad related even to the most simple symptom. And I have read so many things that sounded like I definitely had it, then checked with the doctor who tells me it is very rare and unlikely (which the Internet did NOT say). Now, when I feel a google coming on, I do a search in here instead - what I find is lots of people with the same symptoms and similar anxieties... That is more reassuring. I also stay away from lots of magazines with their gloom and doom stories!

Don't google! Trust your doctors :)


05-04-07, 10:43
I used to be the google queen and still do it from time to time. However, you start to understand what a pile of crap some websites are. For example, I have found out in the past that I have diseases only found in canines, cattle, and that, in some instances, I should be dead! lol

I still take my blood pressure on a daily basis (giving myself a sore arm sometimes!) and do other wierd things but by and large my ability to catastrophize symptoms is largely on the wane due to some of the shite I've read on the net.

Wishing you well,

Kay x