View Full Version : Leg pain

14-11-16, 22:04
Hey guys. I went to doctor a week ago and he reassured me on my fears but I am having a hard time believing him. Does anyone suffer with piriforims syndrome or sciatica pain? I have this pain that radiates down the back and outer part of my leg from my butt to my calf. Sometimes it's the whole thing, other times it's just my calf or my knee or just my thigh. I can't seem to shake this osteosarcoma fear. Motrin seems to help a little bit but idk if because I'm focusing on it non stop it won't go away. The pain can be an ache a sharp pain or burning. My leg feels like it constantly needs to be stretched. Thank you! I'm a 22 year old female

14-11-16, 23:33
Sounds like sciatica, I used to get it a lot when I worked in a shop and did a lot of lifting.

14-11-16, 23:38
Sounds like a nerve issue to me especially since you mentioned you have a burning sensation down 1 leg i have suffered with sciatica for many years and the pain can be chronic to the extent of bringing one to tears especially when the whole lower back begins to spasm I would say you have probably pinched\tweaked a small nerve in the lower back. Give it time my last bout of sciatica started up 5 weeks ago and I'm still struggling with the pain. Try to accept what your doctor told you they know exactly what to look out for.
All the best

15-11-16, 02:59
Thank you for your replies! I believe it is a nerve as well especially since I sometimes get it on my other leg, which leads me to believe it is nothing serious. Did your sciatica pain cause outer knee pain? Stretching my leg helps alot but as I said it still feels like it constantly could be stretched. I work as an STNA and i stand alot at both of my jobs actually. Hurts the most when i drve.

15-11-16, 05:49
Yes knee pain is definitely 1 of the symptoms along with hip and pelvic pain I do a lot of driving and I personally believe that is where it has all started from. Do you suffer with back problems too or is it just leg pain? Since you stand a lot it may not be nerve issues but tightness of the muscles but I think it could be 1 of the 2 maybe a visit to a physiotherapist could help you.

16-11-16, 02:15
I actually don't have any back pain. They think my ham string is so tight that its pressing on my sciatic nerve. I think my case sounds more like piriformis syndrome since i dont have the back pain.

16-11-16, 11:12
I have this down my left leg. It started in bed last night although I've had it before. I'm so convinced ive got a blood clot �� stretching helps the pain though x