View Full Version : Could this be hyperventilation syndrome?

15-11-16, 08:35
To cut a long story short the last 3 months I feel like I can't breath properly it's worse when I'm walking it feels like the bottom of my ribs are tight and I feel super lightheaded then I start shaking and feel like I'm going to pass out any second.

It's making my brain go in to overdrive thousands of thoughts are running through my head thinking there is something wrong with my heart or I've got cancer the list goes on!

I can't even leave my house and had to quit my job, I have to do the school run and walking to the school I'm shaking can't breath my head feels so fuzzy, it looks like I'm drunk the way I'm walking. I even walk up the stairs in my house and get the top and feel like my lungs have no air and I'm struggling to breath. I hate being hot, walking into a hot room or a shop that's got the heating on sends me into panic like I litterly feel like I'm going to pass out, it's even worse in the summer. The only time I can breath is when I'm laying in bed.

I've been to the doctors who checked my oxagen levels and done blood tests everything came back fine, and put it down to stress. I do exercise 3 hours every day so I'm not just sat doing nothing but it's really hard when you can't breath.

I'm now agrophobic and fear for my health, 3 years ago I was the same and overcome this anxiety but now it's back even worse it's so frustrating!

15-11-16, 08:57
All classic anxiety signs. Problems with breathing are common with HA. If you truly couldn't breathe you wouldn't be able to excercise at all. The more you focus on your breathing the more difficult your breathing becomes. My doctor told me years ago that breathing is an automatic process and when we try to force breathing we are interfering with that process. Just tell yourself that if you really couldn't breathe properly you wouldn't be able to breathe properly when you lie down. Distraction is your friend. You may believe that you aren't thinking about your breathing but you are (each waking hour) and you are mentally checking your breathing every other minute.