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15-11-16, 12:12
Convinced I have a brain tumour!!!
I'm worried sick, Ive had headache, dizzyness, feeling sick for nearly two months now! Sometimes it goes for a few days and it's back I keep having stabbing pains in my head my neck is all tensed too and shoulders Ive had enough! I went opticians who told me I have perfect vision and perfect eyes would he be able to see anything serious wrong with my brain etc? I'm just so scared I'm sat in tears again, I don't know how long I can keep going on anymore I'm that fed up with it I feel like I'm just gonna drop down dead or faint or have a stroke :( I sound silly j know but I'm in a really bad place and would love some reassurance please, was also told it's migrain but surly migraines can't last this long :( thank u for reading and I'm sorry again for posting so often xx

---------- Post added at 12:12 ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 ----------

Oh yes doctor blames my anxiety :(

15-11-16, 12:28
unfortunately the doctor is probably right. anxiety can make you feel horrible and give you all those symptoms plus more. Fearing the symptoms and worrying that its something else and not "just" anxiety actually fuels the anxiety and keeps you in a loop of fear and exhaustion.

but there is hope, it does get better. I was like you (maybe worse, who knows) 3-4 months but with therapy, learning mindfulness, distraction (puzzles, learning guitar etc) and more recently some medication.

I'm not completely better but life it at least "ok" again most of the time.

It will get better Leanne :)

p.s. you don't have a brain tumour

15-11-16, 12:49
I just feel as if there's no way out, Ive got tabs I'm scared to take also I'm starting cbt soon so hopefully that will help I'm just so scared my doctor is missing something :( I mean he doesn't even check me anymore blames my anxiety :( I just cant cope would opticians of been able to see anything? In my head brain etc xx

15-11-16, 13:05
What would be the point in the Doctor checking you again? It didn't work last time.

You have to take ownership of your problem, if you want to that is. If you are happy having health anxiety, and some people are, then that is fine.

If you want a proper long-term solution you have to get therapy, take medication, and work hard on improving your life.

No-one else is responsible for you feeling good.

And you probably haven't absorbed or read anything I have said, but the fact still remains the same.

Other people can only do so much.

At some point you have to say "f**k this, I am not tolerating this s**t anymore...."

I did, and so far its working.

15-11-16, 16:35
I just feel as if there's no way out, Ive got tabs I'm scared to take also I'm starting cbt soon so hopefully that will help I'm just so scared my doctor is missing something :( I mean he doesn't even check me anymore blames my anxiety :( I just cant cope would opticians of been able to see anything? In my head brain etc xx

Yes, rest assured, opticians can pick up brain tumours straight away. I have a friend who's was picked up this way (benign by the way and fine now!). It is anxiety honestly.

15-11-16, 16:42
Thank you I do feel a little better, so do you think it's just migraines relegated to stress and anxiety? I'm sorry for all the questions! I'm going to see go tomorrow about medication again to see if maybe j can start on a low dose etc! I'm determined to get back on track I really am! Just gotta have abit of faith now xx

15-11-16, 23:42
I now have pain in one side of my head right side actually it's not to bad but aches and I'm very worried I can not sleep I'm hoping for a reply !?xx