View Full Version : Can we cause symptoms to happen because of our anxiety?

15-11-16, 21:57
Someone on another post mentioned hypersensitivity, and I'm wondering whether it's possible to actually cause the symptoms by worrying about them?

I'm currently having this head pains; the first being a slight tingling (which isn't a pain as such) at the back and to the side of my head, and the other is a stabbing pain on the top of my head, which is tender to the touch and there's no spot or anything that I can feel.

Sometimes when I think about the problems they get worse.
I seem to be able to notice them a lot more, and when I'm not thinking about them (particularly he tingling) I don't really notice it.

Could I actually be creating the symptoms or exasperating them?

I've been worrying I've had a brain tumour for ages and I feel like I'm noticing new symptoms every day.

Thanks a lot.

15-11-16, 22:02
You defintiely can make things better or worse by focussing on them.

Essentially, your life becomes what you focus on most.

If you focus on fears over your health, you get consumed by worry.

If you focus on being happy no matter what life throws at you, you will be happy.

It feels over-simplified, but it is really true. Having experienced long periods of both, there is definitely truth in it.

Ask yourself, if my worst fears came true, would I sit here being miserable, or would I make the most of my life?

If you'd make the most of it, then you don't need to worry. Just make the most of it anyway, and whatever else happens doesn't matter.

16-11-16, 09:53
You defintiely can make things better or worse by focussing on them.

Essentially, your life becomes what you focus on most.

If you focus on fears over your health, you get consumed by worry.

If you focus on being happy no matter what life throws at you, you will be happy.

It feels over-simplified, but it is really true. Having experienced long periods of both, there is definitely truth in it.

Ask yourself, if my worst fears came true, would I sit here being miserable, or would I make the most of my life?

If you'd make the most of it, then you don't need to worry. Just make the most of it anyway, and whatever else happens doesn't matter.

Yeah, that's true.
Thanks for your comments, it's just so difficult to do!

16-11-16, 10:07
SLA that is easy to say and so hard to do. When I was under a psychiatrist for my HA and worrying about going blind again (going blind was my biggest fear) he said much the same thing. That is that if I were to find out I was going blind wouldn't I want to just spend the time I had left before it happened taking in everything around me? It was such a logical thing to say but all I thought was "no I'd rather know I wasn't going blind".

16-11-16, 11:44
Well, anxiety makes you tense, and your head can get really tense and cause all different kinds of sensations. I'm constantly massaging my head to relieve the tightness.

What really helps me is I bought a Head Scalp Massager. It works wonders and I use it every day.

16-11-16, 12:34
It's hard to do if you don't try.

I'm not saying its easy, because it's not. But you have to start at some point, and work at it.

The solution is simple. Applying it isn't.

16-11-16, 13:26
When it comes to anxiety, recovery lies on the other side of difficult decisions and challenging circumstances. They have to be confronted.

17-11-16, 10:02
yes! my anxiety used to be about the head/brain (iv moved on to new things now lol) but when it was that, i actually had stabbing pains in my head, i worked out that i think it was because i was tense, dont know how and it seems bizarre but i defiantly had head pains and all sorts of weird things. now i dont focus on that area no more, its vanished and moved to new areas... our brains are far to advanced! x