View Full Version : Strange 'calm' panic

15-11-16, 23:24
I've been having this feeling since I was a kid. I'll be in any 'normal' situation - going out to a restaurant with my family, sitting in assembly, waiting for a film to start in the cinema (these are just some of the situations I remember this happening in), when suddenly I'll feel extremely uneasy. When I was very little I used to think I was thirsty. Then I started labelling it 'calm panic'. I have NO other symptoms of panic or anxiety other than feeling like something is very wrong and I want to go home NOW and it always passes in less than a minute. It feels intense but no one else would be able to notice it happening. These are not situations I would normally be afraid of and they can happen very randomly (I don't have any specific phobias that would trigger them, like being in public spaces).

I suppose I'm just wondering if anyone else has felt like this? It's unlike any 'normal' anxiety or panic I feel.

16-11-16, 13:39
I'm not sure if it's the same thing I get but it could be...
I get a wave of dread, a negative feeling that is not related to any physical symptoms or time of anxiety they just seem to come out the blue.:huh:

16-11-16, 13:54
Any reason why you thought it maybe thirst when you were a kid?

I have a theory that most people don't drink enough water or eat the right foods on here. :D

16-11-16, 22:08
Any reason why you thought it maybe thirst when you were a kid?

I have a theory that most people don't drink enough water or eat the right foods on here. :D

Haha, you're probably right. I have no idea why I labelled it as thirst, but I suppose that was just the closest thing I could think of to identify it. It certainly feels different to being thirsty, so maybe I only labelled it as that because I was too young to know what anxiety or panic felt like.

I got it again at the cinema last night. I suddenly just felt like everything was wrong. That something terrible was happening. Despite no negative thoughts (I was really excited to see the film!) I just suddenly had a wave of dread. It only lasted 20 seconds or so.