View Full Version : brain tumor anxiety

16-11-16, 06:44
I'm only 17, i get these random sharp shooting head pains that sometimes feel like I'm pressing on a bruise, i do get dizzy and nauseas, blurry vision that goes away if i blink a couple times and i do have anxiety thats mainly caused by feeling like this though, I've been to the doctor and they did a blood test and everything came back normal. i went to the doctor this week and i have a sinus infection but these pains have been happening even before i got this sinus infection.....and i keep getting random phantom smells of glass cleaner and i looked it up and it said its a sign of seizures/brain tumor

16-11-16, 08:30
Sorry to hear your having these worries. I also worry about having a brain tumour. What do you mean by glass cleaner spells?

I always have blurry eyes and have to blink to make them clear I think that's normal for most people. I have so much dizziness. When I wake up in the morning or sometimes middle or the night and most of the day too.

If you ever need a chat I'm here as I know how scary this can be
My symptoms also started before a sinus infection and the doctors tried to say it was all related to that even though I knew it wasn't. The fact that your bloods came back normal can give you some reassurance that if there was something seriously wrong I'm sure it would have flagged up in the bloods. Take care x