View Full Version : Enough is enough now

16-11-16, 06:56
So enough is enough basically. Im at my wits end. I was awake during the night with stomach gurgling and bits of wind and then began getting really hot and sweaty. I began thinking this is it I'm going to have to go to hospital surely there is something in my stomach which isn't right. It's not normal to hardly have food in ur stomach and then still get these symptoms. I'm literally walking around like my life is over. My doctor told me my blood results came back and there was no stomach inflammation. Surely that's got to be not true? Why am I getting all these symptoms. Literally feels like my head stomach is popping (weird). I just know this is something serious and cannot carry on like it. Every minute of every day I'm focused on it and know I'll eventually prove to all those people that say
I need to get help that I was right and they should have believed me in the first place. The dr told me ibs but surely ibs doesn't ruin ur life and after u eat (what u think is good) you still feel shit?

16-11-16, 08:32
It's not normal to hardly have food in ur stomach and then still get these symptoms.

Who says? I'd say its normal.

The dr told me ibs but surely ibs doesn't ruin ur life and after u eat (what u think is good) you still feel shit?

IBS can be a severe problem, and is extremely common.

You are making it worse on yourself by reacting to it in such a negative way.

Do you realise what the main problem is in your life?

16-11-16, 08:52
A little bit harsh but SLA definitely has a point. Have you looked at your diet? Maybe exclude milk, fast food, sugary drinks etc. Have you discussed with a nutritional expert? Might be worth it. Maybe you're sensitive to dairy products (skimmed milk is included in a lot of stuff)?