View Full Version : can tiredness cause dizzines?

16-11-16, 08:32
I have a 8 monto old baby and I'm sooo tired all the time. I've been dizzy most days for about 3 to 4 months but have these random dizzy spells which are extremely intense. I've had two of these so far and once it was in the middle of the night I woke up to feeling like everything was spinning and moving and it wore off after a few hours then last night I was up for a couple of hours at 3am with my baby and woke up this morning and it happened again. Can this be caused by tiredness? I have been having some funny symptoms with my left ear (jar hurts and stiff and clicks and my ear keeps blocking up) no other symptoms though x

16-11-16, 08:35
Go see the Doctor just to be sure.

Ear problems can cause issues with balance and dizziness. I've had a similar thing before, but its worth getting checked if you are stressed about it.

16-11-16, 08:42
I've been to the doctors and they alwaus just say your just tired ans don't do any checks x

16-11-16, 09:49
My daughter was experiencing dizzy spells for a while. I wasn't worried as I know things such as getting up quickly, changing positions quickly and too much reading etc can cause dizziness. However after a while I got her checked out just to be safe as I didn't want to assume I knew it was nothing, but low and behold it was nothing (well we were told it will have been an ear infection, but didn't need any antibiotics or anything as they usually clear up on there own)
Waking up with the room spinning sounds very much like the vertigo one of my relatives gets. Again, it's harmless. I know it's disheartening when the doctors say it's nothing with no tests but they know what they're doing and dizziness is pretty common. They can't test every single thing, you have to learn to trust them.

You have a baby and I remember from your other posts you have a pretty stressful situation going on at the moment. It's so hard I understand that, but unfortunately stress can affect your body so much as can tiredness. When I'm tired I feel hungover, it literally makes me feel poorly, but I know it's because I'm tired as that's how it affects me personally.

16-11-16, 10:50
Thanks for your reply. It's just so hard to believe it's not due to something really sinister as the symptoms are really quite frightening. Can a funny taste in the mouth be due to anxiety too? I'm so convinced ive got a brain tumour etc

16-11-16, 10:57
Yes a funny taste most certainly can especially if you are getting dry mouth from your nerves. I know how hard it is to accept this. I was like that a couple of years ago. Fortunately I have a lovely, understanding GP