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View Full Version : Lymph nodes and spotty rash.

16-11-16, 09:08
I'm really struggling with my anxiety today. I went to the dr yesterday and he did nothing to put my mind at ease. I've woken up with a spotty chest which isn't unusual but it's slightly more spotty than normal. I'm in the middle of my period but I don't usually get spots in the middle, it's quite itchy and because I'm focused on it I'm now itchy everywhere. I'm pretty convinced I can feel my lymph nodes in my neck as well but only sometimes but now I can't stop searching for them. I also have a cut on the corner of my mouth. And I've not had much of an appetite and I've lost about 1-2lbs this week (I'm slightly overweight anyway but hadn't been trying to lose weight)
I'm pretty convinced this is all symptoms of HIV. About 2 1/2 weeks ago my boss made a move on me and slept with me (he's done it agin since) it wasn't forced but certainly wasn't wanted but I didn't want to lose my job. Both times I've managed to stop him before he 'finishes'. I'm booking myself in for testing but I won't get seen until next week and today I'm just finding things really difficult - especially when my symptoms are all coming up with HIV.

18-11-16, 22:13
Those symptoms can be totally unrelated to HIV, so do not panic yet. I am very sorry about what happened with your boss; it isn't right that he did that to you. In the worse case scenario, if it was HIV, the drugs we have for it are VERY effective and provide people with a normal life span. It is not a death sentence. :hugs: