View Full Version : Is this something to worry about?

16-11-16, 09:23
I am a 27 year old female and my anxiety is through the roof at the moment.
I have self diagnosed myself with so much and I can't see the wood through the trees :-(
I woke up with an achey right thigh this morning, I have no idea or reason why but it just aches, and its sending pain down and up to my right hip. I have had low shooting stomach pains for the last 2 months which I haven't been to the doctors about as I don't have any other symptoms (no bloating, not fatigue, not put on weight). I am worried I have ovarian cancer or something terrible is happening to me. I sometimes wake up with a fast pulse rate but only lasts for about 3 minutes then I calm down.
I have no history in my family of anyone having ovarian or breast cancer under the afe of 57. My Mum had pre cancerous cells in her cervix when she was 57 and my auntie had breast cancer at 65. My mum has mild IBS at times so I am wondering whether I may have the same? Along with the low stomach pains I have had pains high in my stomach, so its like under the point where my right and left rib cage meet? Could this be IBS?
I am so worried, I literally don't know where to turn! Has anyone suffered the same?!
Please help I am going out of my mind with these symptoms!!!

16-11-16, 09:33
I have lower right shooting pains in my stomach, I also get a strange ache there and I went to the GP as I too was worried about ovarian cancer. I was told ''it doesn't present in this way". I also get an achey thigh and was told it was muscular or joint related I can't remember which but either way I'm not worried anymore and doubt you have reason to be either as it sounds very similar to what I've experienced. My GP told me it's normal to have those types of pains especially for women as we have ovaries and everything around there.

Waking up with a fast pulse is exactly how my panic attacks were, so it's possible it's panic attacks. I never had daytime ones like a lot of people get.

It could be IBS, it could also just be meaningless pains like mine are/were.

16-11-16, 09:53
Hi Keekee. Thank you for your reply!!
How did your aches and pains dissappear? It's so uncomfortable.
Did you have the sharp lower pains even all through your cycle too? How long did yours last for?
My parents are away on holiday for 5 weeks and it's normally mum who is my go to, to calm me down but with the time difference I can't speak to her so it's probably making my anxiety worse with that too.

16-11-16, 10:12
I think the pains are from muscle tension. I can attribute 90 percent of the pain and tingling I used to get to muscle tension. People with HA are always tense. They usually don't think they are but they are.