View Full Version : Update on me

16-11-16, 19:14
Just felt like doing an update post!

My last threads were about my recent development of tiny red pinprick dots(petechiae) more noticeable blue veins, and some other symptoms.
I had blood tests done and they came back normal.

Today I had a follow up appointment and the doctor showed me my results on screen, they'd never done this before. He did lots of bloods to rule out a few things.

White blood cell count was perfect, platelets perfect, liver function and kidneys normal, thyroid normal, hormone test normal, bone profile normal and full blood count.

Basically he said there's absolutely nothing wrong. He did my weight as well and although I have put on a few pounds it's still in a healthy bmi.
He said the fact that my weight hasn't fluctuated is also a good sign of health.

He said what I have is definitely petechiae, and although Google isn't lying because a few bad things can cause it, that Google is just a machine and can't see the bigger picture.
He said in a way I am asking Google for the results I get by what I put into search.
He said that since I've started this job I've felt much better which tells him a lot, he wants me to continue as I am with the confidence that I've been given the all clear from a lot of blood work.

He said there is other tests he could do but he feels there's absolutely no need and it would just increase my anxiety. He said conservative management of the petechiae is the best thing to do, he doesn't want me to body check or fuss over them, but basically if I break out in absolutely loads then obviously it's time for another visit. So really just common sense.

He's the best doctor I've seen to be honest, he actually addressed my issues and took me seriously, showed and explained my results to me and then talked about anxiety.

I feel much better than I ever have after a doctor's appointment. Onwards and upwards again X

16-11-16, 19:44

Great news and yes... onward and upward!

Positive thoughts

16-11-16, 19:47
Spot on approach by the GP and what a refreshing change! Very pleased for you and make sure you hang on to this GP should you need him in the future!

16-11-16, 19:59
Very happy for you.

16-11-16, 22:10
So happy for you, brilliant approach from the GP too. Hooe your dream job is going well. Definitely sounds like you are making so much progress.

17-11-16, 02:24
Sounds like you're in tip-top shape and well looked after! Which is great. :)

17-11-16, 02:35
That's wonderful, and what a great explanation by your doctor re: Google!

17-11-16, 09:40
That's nice to hear :-)

17-11-16, 09:51
That's great KatiePink; everything normal!

Hearing those words from a GP that sounds switched on must be so reassuring for you. I think I mentioned before that those little pink things with the name no-one can spell are extremely common and nothing to worry about. x

18-11-16, 12:20
Thanks everyone! The only down side was he said they are most likely to be permanent but it is pretty much only me that can see them unless you're looking extremely close and there's none on my face so that's a bonus haha!

Feeling miles better and i know getting tested can be a tricky one with health anxiety but i actually think this time for me it has done me good. The doctor mentioned the two types of people, those who may be at the doctors each week needing re assurance and those that avoid the doctors, i am definitely in the latter as i spend months working myself into a frenzy before i go and he thinks that is no good for me.

He also said if i have a certain worry, and it is continuing then to just book an appointment and tell them exactly what it is i am worrying about and why so they can address it, which i tend not to do i usually just see what they think but then leave wishing i would have asked.