View Full Version : Trachea/throat feels tight can't breathe

16-11-16, 20:17
Last Tuesday I had a violent vomiting bug. The wrenching was so bad that I had a nose bleed.

The next day I was fine, ate dinner ok. Tea was a bit of a struggle to get down.

By Thursday I started to get a tight feeling in my throat near my adams apple and felt like I couldn't breathe. Like I was being strangling and I was suffocating. I went to A&E who said I had a slight wheeze so gave me an inhaler and steroids.

But a week later it's still there. It doesn't feel like my chest, I have no cough or mucous and my chest is clear. I have no throat pain or swollen glands. It like my trachea is narrow and feels like I'm breathing through a straw. At night when I lie down its worse and my throat feels like it's closing up then I start snoring while wake as if my throat tissue is blocking my throat and I can't breathe.

I also had some tingling a few days ago in my throat that felt like I'd swallowed a sugar stealer. That's gone now but I just have this tight feeling.

Any advice?

18-11-16, 22:10
I know sometimes anxiety can make me feel that way. If you truly cannot breathe, definitely go to an emergency room. You may be developing asthma or something along those lines. I hope you are feeling better.