View Full Version : Night Time Horros!

17-11-16, 08:45
Hi, im new,
Does any one find anxiety hits hard of a night when your in bed. last night i was besides myself with Health Anxiety, feeling that i cannot cope and that it was just to overwelming.

its like i find new things to worry about, I currently have a numb patch on my back (doc says just damaged nerve) (head says im dying ms/cancer/tumor) its horrible, you feel so alone, and no docotor out there can ever reassure you. im very withdrawn and upset!

thanks for listening :) x

Bike Rider
17-11-16, 08:51
Hi Tea, anxiety can hit at any time, mine is mostly in the am, but can hit any time. If yours is at night, try asking you GP for a beta blocker, these help stop the physical symptoms of anxiety but take about 1.5 hrs to work.

You are fine, keep your chin up.:D

17-11-16, 08:52
Hiya teawithsugar and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

17-11-16, 09:04
Hi Tea, anxiety can hit at any time, mine is mostly in the am, but can hit any time. If yours is at night, try asking you GP for a beta blocker, these help stop the physical symptoms of anxiety but take about 1.5 hrs to work.

You are fine, keep your chin up.:D

Thanks Bike Rider, Im playing with the idea of medication now as its not as easy trying to battle it on my own, nice to speak with other people who know what the struggle is!

17-11-16, 14:56
I also have a numb patch on my back! I remember having it even when I was in my teens. GP told me it's just an inconvenience.

18-11-16, 14:44
Hi there, I'm new here too. You're not alone, I hate my brain at night! Mornings are also bad times for me. I suffer with health anxiety too, it's exhausting isn't it. I know I'm not offering any brilliant advice but wanted you to know you're not alone sweating it out in the wee small hours :hugs: