View Full Version : Can anybody please help?

17-11-16, 19:13
Please see my previous post, feel so anxious and can't relax, just need to know that I am not going mad and should trust in the nurse that examined me, does anyone else keep needing constant reassurances!

17-11-16, 19:41
Please see my previous post, feel so anxious and can't relax, just need to know that I am not going mad and should trust in the nurse that examined me, does anyone else keep needing constant reassurances!

Hi :)

A nurse is a qualified person so trust in their judgement. I always need reassurance in most things. Anxiety causes anxious thoughts which may make you feel as if you're going crazy, but trust me, you're not. Anxiety can also make it hard for you to relax as well. It's just the anxiety, that's all.

20-11-16, 17:19
Yes, at first you need constant assistance, after that you can slowly but surely be on yourself. I would advice to just pinpoint the reasons for having such emotions.

Bike Rider
20-11-16, 18:21
This sounds like my anxiety situation and I am told its normal, deep breathing, exercise or something to burn up the adrenaline. Just believe it will be ok.

20-11-16, 18:46
Anxiety is so scary, it's hard to believe sometimes that what we experience is 'just' anxiety. I've had a variety of medical tests done, and I, at times, feel like the doctors have missed something and that I am, indeed, ill or in the process of getting ill. However, after 15 + years of this, I'm starting to see a pattern, so I'm less frightened of anxiety being something else than what it actually is.

20-11-16, 19:07
I agree it is a terrible thing and I am going through it at the present time and have been since July and at times I really do despair and think it will never end and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I did see a light a couple of weeks ago and was going out and doing things quite happily, then I saw my doc and he suggested I needed ovaries checked and all the panic and anxiety came back double. Results were normal and now they are doing bloods and stuff and won't know results for two weeks and the anxiety of it all is really bad, not sleeping, panics wake me when I do, worried constantly, tired, lost interest in myself again, feel listless, tired, and so so stressed out. I find the mornings are the worst, then feel slightly better throughout the day and then dread bedtime. If you are like this then I feel for you as it is horrible time. I am now just going to take one day at a time and trying to lose the feeling that I am a pain to all my friends and family as they must get fed up with me. I am now taking good vitamins and seeing it is winter here I have started my VitD3 tabs too. I wish you good health and hope you feel much better soon and like you I like to be reassured and quite honestly I phone my friends for that and talking for me is the best medicine and it does help and I know a lot of people thse days have not got the time but if they know it is serious they do help me and I hope you can get help from yours xx