View Full Version : Pelvic pain - worried

17-11-16, 21:51
I have been suffering with strong pelvic pain and pressure for three weeks. I am also getting some pain in low back. It is a dull ache with a kind of dragging feeling - a bit like the pain I get with my periods. The pain seems to be worse when I am sitting - being in the car for any length of time is agony. The pain is not too bad in the morning - lying down seems to alleviate it somewhat - but it is much worse as the day goes on and by the evening I am having to take painkillers. I am so scared that this is something serious - ovarian or cervical cancer that has spread. Does anyone have experience of similar symptoms? Did you find out what was causing them? Really feeling desperate - waking up feeling sick and anxious in the early hours and unable to go back to sleep. Please help...

23-01-17, 01:41
How did you go?
I have some pain and discharge too. But apparently no infection