View Full Version : blood in urine cystitis and cystoscopy

18-11-16, 12:50
Hi there, I posted a few days ago and am getting increasingly more anxious about my urinary problems. Currently on cipro for 10 days for suspected infection and awaiting urine culture results. I had cystitis symptoms 2 months ago with leukocytes on dip.....no blood or nitrites. It resolved after 3 days trimeth but I have an irritable bladder/IC too which i was diagnosed with 9 years ago but havent had any trouble with for many years. On tuesday I had sudden onset cystitis with all the classic symptoms and took a samle in to be dipped which came back with blood as well as leukocytes. Obviously being 53 I am terrified now this is cancer and the doctor did say if it doesnt resolve they will send me for further investigations. The blood isnt seen by the naked eye and last week I was on penicillin for tonsilitis. I did read that penicillin can give you blood in urine but I finished those on friday last week, so coouldnt be from those I guess. I am hoping to get a fast referral for cystoscopy as I am convinced the urine culture will come back clear of infection. I feel I need to get this test done so I can be sure now one way or the other. Has anyone had cystoscopy? Of course I am petrified of all hospital tests and the results, so this is a very stressful time. Any experiences or advice, I feel very alone and my depression and anxiety have taken over my whole life. I cannot think beyond this test and what it might show. I dont really have anyone to talk to, my poor husband is at his wits end with me. Thanks guys, x

01-12-16, 23:07

How is it going? I have to get a CT and a cystoscopy in a little over the week due to blood in my urine. Doc said the possibility of cancer was "extremely remote" but I am still so nervous. Hoping for good results for both of us!

06-12-16, 17:55
Hi PJangel, I had the cystoscopy and it was fine. Not painful or horrid at all. Its a little unnerving but so much better than i had expected. About the same as getting a pap smear done if that. A little burn when you pee first few times but about 2 hours later i was back to normal. Drink loads of water to flush out the bladder and pee lots and its soon back to normal. I had ultrasound scan not ct, but found nothing wrong. My urethra is narrow so i need to go for a dilation. Uro said this will stop infections in the future but i am not convinced. I have had 2 uti in 3 months and this last one came back positive for e coli. Which has freaked me out. I dont feel like the infection has gone altogether although i had a whopping dose of cipro for 10 days. Trouble is i get urinary symptoms as part of my anxiety so i now dont know whats real and whats not. So I am still nervous! Goo luck with yours. Let me know how you get on, but please dont fear it. It was faster than the US scan!