View Full Version : Seasonal anxiety?

18-11-16, 15:40
Has anyone else ever felt that their anxiety is seasonal? Like it is worse or more noticeable during a certain time of year? I've read quite a bit about seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and some of the symptoms sound like what I am experiencing, but for me, it's more stress and anxiety and not so much an all-out depression.

It seems every year starting around mid-November, I experience an increase in anxiety symptoms, nervousness, muscle tension, not sleeping as well, etc. I don't know if it's the change in seasons, a reaction to Daylight Savings Time, the impending holiday madness, bad PMS or the fact that my mom passed away 9 years ago in November. Maybe it is a combination of all those things.

Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. If so, what did you all do to feel better and manage the anxiety? I visited my Dr. this time last year and he ended up prescribing a low dose of Ativan to be taken as needed if the anxiety got really bad, but I never ended up taking any of the pills. I didn't want to become dependent on them. Just knowing I had them was comforting enough. He also recommended visiting with a psychologist, which I never got around to. I have left a message for the psychologist he recommended last year and may go see her soon to talk about the anxiety.

18-11-16, 15:57
I have depression and anxiety but it always get a million times worse in the Summer for various reasons. My anxiety is much better when the darker days and nights come and I've actually been able to go out alone a few times recently due to being able to shove my hood up. I also have BDD though and wonder if that's why I feel a little better in the Winter as I don't feel over dressed like I always do in the Summer.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to overcome this, however that doesn't mean you won't. I think visiting a psychologist sounds like a good idea.