View Full Version : Brain worry.

18-11-16, 21:11
Hi, I've just discovered this forum and feel thankful for some place to vent. Any help would be much appreciated.

11 weeks ago I had a very bad headache, It came on after looking at a screen all day, which is part of my job.

The next morning I woke up feeling sick but the pain gradually died down and I hardly felt it for the next week. It started building up again however, and became intermittent and targeted to top left side of my head.

I went to the doctors and they analyzed all my neurological signs, which were fine, and thought it was dehydration and posture. They advised me to take Ibuprofen and keep my water topped up.

The Ibuprofen seems to help a lot, it definitely got rid of a lot of the pain, but then I started feeling it in my ears, and the pain spread to most of the back of my head, again, Ibuprofen taking most of it away. It seems to be at its worse when I lye down. Predominantly in the ears.

I had professional muscle massages for my posture but it doesn't have seemed to work.

I've been really worried it could be a tumor though. I know this is a common fear, and in most cases ridiculous. I just can't help think of it though and Im sure most of you have been there. Its a horrible feeling.

The main reason I've posted on this forum is that for a week now I've been feeling nauseous. It came out of nowhere, when I wasn't really stressing about the pain. The strange thing is that one minuet I'll feel fine and normal, then the next I feel as if I need to throw up suddenly. It seems random.

I went for an eye test today as I know they can discover if anything sinister is lurking about, and all my tests came back perfectly fine. I was happy and felt like a weight was raised from my chest, but this evening I've been getting frequent tingles in my arms, hands, and legs.

I'm just sick of feeling worried. This one night I thought I'd get some rest, but instead have worked myself up again. Im worried about the length of how long I've had the headache. Im worried about the nausea. Im worried about the tingles, as I know these are all signs of a tumor.

If anyone can put my mind at ease so I can sleep well tonight I would be so grateful. I have a GP appointment on Tuesday, but the wait is hard to bear.

I'm so tired and I have to put on a happy face for everyone as I don't want them worrying. It's hard. I could be just acting silly, but Im scared and it's hard.
I'm 25, and haven't suffered from headaches in the past other than the the odd migraine.

19-11-16, 09:10
Please, if anyone could help me I would be so happy.
I woke up today and the tingling in my arms and legs are still present. I'm really freaking out.

19-11-16, 10:14
These are all symptoms of anxiety. What started out as most likely a tension headache, has spiralled into more symptoms because you have been so stressed and tense. A headache from a BT is not something that would not go away with an Advil or two. If a headache was present due to a BT, this would almost certainly put pressure on your eyes, and this is one of the things the eye Dr. would recognize, and he didn't. The tingling is extraordinarily common with anxiety, and much less likely than a BT. Try some simple breathing exercises.

20-11-16, 20:26
Thanks heyitsmeyou, I understand anxiety plays a massive role in odd sensations. The one thing that's getting down is the tingling seems to be way worse on my left side, the side I get the majority of my headaches. I understand people can go numb on one side with a brain tumor and I'm fearing if this is a precursor to that.
The nausea isn't helping at all, I haven't managed to eat properly all day. I understand this is mostly due to worry but it's still an awful feeling, making everything else feel more heavy.

21-11-16, 04:46
I have what I believe is called data glasses, it's a normal pair of (cheap) glasses fitted for viewing a screen. People don't normally get them until they're older, but everyone is different and those headaches you mention might indicate you should look it up, especially if you sit in front of a screen all day. (Where I am the employer pays for them, but I don't know how it is in the UK).