View Full Version : Acid help..trying everything but not working

19-11-16, 14:33
Ive posted on here a few times but I guess I just need to get som reassurance. I've had acid reflux for a couple of years now. I'm on 20mg omeprazole x 2. I take one in the morning and one at night. trouble is they're not working. My acid is in my throat. I get a sore throat and a fizzy nose sometimes. I did go back to GP and he told me they will stop the acid dead so I shouldn't get any acid..except I do. Then he mentioned my body feeling sensations!!! He has now put me on Metocloramide x 3 a day to help my stomach contract my food down. I'm due to go back in a couple of weeks and if no better he'll refer me to a gastroenterologist. I had an endoscopy prob 2 years ago and biopsy but that came back as mild damage and biopsy was clear. I am by nature quite a stressful person and I've had a pretty stressful 12/18 months but things are now much better. I watch what I eat avoiding trigger foods, have raised the head of my bed too. I'm so fed up and anxious about it all. I just wondered if anyone else has this issue. I'm worried about what could be causing it and how on earth I'll be able to control it
Thanks for reading...rant over!

19-11-16, 14:55
Both my wife and I struggled with reflux for years. In addition to the PPIs we take (which control it 85% of the time), we also adopted the FODMAP (http://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet. It's also recommended for those with IBS too. Common sense things like not eating after 6pm etc. have helped as well. It's not just avoiding triggering foods, it's modifying your diet fully to help address the reflux issue. The FODMAP diet is pretty common sense as well. It's not that you have to totally eliminate everything on the avoid list but it helps to reduce and eliminate those things that cause a reaction. Also, the list of things you can eat certainly outweigh some of the things to avoid IMO.

Positive thoughts