View Full Version : Recurrent Panic attacks/Fear of dying

19-11-16, 19:45
Hi, I had loss of balance in late July and a really bad attack beginning of August where my legs went from under me and I could not get up, I thought I had a brain tumour and saw a duty doctor who treated me like an idiot and said it was anaemia. When I eventually managed to see my own doc he tested for brain tumour and said he thought I had benign vertigo and I have an app for ENT in December. However the vertigo brought on bad panics, and I mean bad, waking up in panic, scared to be alone and was like this for weeks. I was already on one tablet of 25 amitriptyline from a similar incident 10 years previously and doc upped this to 40mg. I was getting better but my blood tests revealed high inflammation, urine tests said infection (gave me antibiotics) and I had a strange feeling at the top of my legs and the doc insisted on doing ovary screening and getting well turned bad again with the waiting for the result, which was normal, and I was getting better again then my doc phoned me 7pm Thursday to say my inflammation levels had gone up again and he wanted another urine sample (which was done yesterday) I now have to do more bloods in two weeks. I am petrified that I have a serious illness and scared of dying. I would say that I had a really bad heart attack 6 years ago Xmas Eve and although I suffer panic attacks from time to time at the time of my heart attack I had no fear, thankfully I was saved by a brilliant medical team, but now I am panicking over blood tests and I wake in the night in panic and it terrifies me. I just don't want to die now. I now worry about the feeling at the top of my legs though my friend thinks it is anxiety related. Please any advice? I now have no appetite, I have no energy and feel so tired but scared of going to sleep with the fear of waking in total panic

19-11-16, 19:50
Hiya Indiaav and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

19-11-16, 22:05
Hi, I am 73 years old but a young pensioner! I have had a troubled life from childhood through to parenthood with the loss of a baby and a disabled son who needed 24/7 care from me. I also had 3 bad marriages and now seeing my first love and should be happy but my life is upside down with another bout of panic/anxiety, although my doc says it is a nervous breakdown. I have already had one heart attack and I am scared of having another one. Would love to join in on here